Sunday, March 1, 2009

Where can I learn to speak French for free online

Where can I learn to speak French for free online?
I have been looking for weeks for a site that I can learn to speak French for FREE. I go to a small high school and French is not a offered course there. I plan to move to France to work as a nurse once I graduate and I can't find a site to teach me French for free. I need something that has sound options so I can hear the pronuncians. Please help me find the right site so I can learn to speak French fluently!
Languages - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
how about a translation go there!
2 :
webearch alliance francaise
3 : go to the lists and they give you flash cards online
4 :
go to:
5 :
try useless languages. com
6 :
type learn french free in a search engine
7 :
8 :
Public libraries usually have computer programs that can help you learn a new language. One I recommend is the Rosetta Stone. I have not used it, but know people who have. I know sometimes libraries carry this computer program like they do in the Phoenix public library system. Also, do a search online. Some universities have handouts, games, and little programs that you can use. I know where the Spanish ones are, but not the French ones, sorry. Good luck and have a happy new year!!!
9 :
this is the only thing you need to know: Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?
10 :
The one way i know is to go to it's free you can learn there.
11 :
12 : They have free computer flashcards and word-of-the-day by e-mail, both of which have sound options. Bonne chance. (Good luck.)
13 :
Hi, You can register at my website, it is in construction, but I will add many audio soon.

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