Do you like my short story?
I have had to write a short story for my coursework. All my friends say its really good :) Im usually getting grades around a C, so do you like it? PS. It is sad x Lost Friendship I wake up panting, frightened. I keep having the same nightmare every night for about a month now. It’s about the same thing, about my mum. The nightmare is about my mother dying but when I calmed down; I remembered that it wasn’t in my head it was for real. I lay awake, staring at the unfinished painted ceiling, in my small, dark bedroom at my grandma’s house. I turned over and looked at my clock; 2:38am...a month ago since my mum died. She was the innocent one. She didn’t deserve to be killed. I didn’t think it should have been her but unfortunately it was. My dad; Justin, left my mum three years ago. I was seven at the time. My mum and dad used to get on really well but when I turned 5, my dad started being aggressive towards my mum. He didn’t hit her or anything like that, but he shouted at her a lot. One night, my mum sat on her bed crying, I came in to see if she was alright but she said I was too young to understand. My mum was like my best friend, she was always there for me and I wanted to be there for her and I was determined to find out what had happened. I didn’t see my dad for a while after that, even when it was my 6th birthday, I got a card with some money but I never saw him. This is the day I found out what had happened. I asked my mum why dad never turned up at my party and she told me that they had split up but told me I needn’t to worry because he will be visiting again soon. Soon after my 7th birthday, which my dad didn’t turn up at, my mum re-married to someone called Peter. He made my mum feel happy which made me feel happy but I didn’t like Peter, he wasn’t my dad and he would never replace him. Even though my dad made my mum upset, I still loved him. I got a letter from my dad in the post a week after the wedding, telling my mum congratulations and letting us know he is ok and is living in France where he has got a good job working at a restaurant. A few years later when I was nine, my mum went out to a party with a few of her friends. She had never drunk alcohol before and she didn’t at the party, but when she was walking home at night with her friends, a drunken driver sped up onto the path and hit my mum. The drunken driver didn’t help my mum; he drove off, knowing he would be in trouble. My mum’s friend’s called for an ambulance and the police. Eventually, the police found the drunken mad man who killed my mum and was arrested...but my mum was driven away to the hospital immediately. When I woke up the next morning, I was at my grandma’s house. I wandered into the living room to where my grandma was sitting in her usual arm chair and I asked her why I was at her house and where my mum was. She told me that a car knocked her over walking home that night and had been taken to hospital and that Peter had gone out. I visited my mum in hospital within a few hours of my grandma telling me. She looked awful. She couldn’t speak, she was covered in bruises and she had tubes coming out of her. I stood and stared at her and burst into tears. A nurse came into my mum’s room and told me that my mum needed to rest to get better. I didn’t want to leave my mum but the nurse said she would get better, so I slowly walked out of the room, tears running down my face. The next day, I woke up and I heard my grandma on the phone, she sounded upset. She came upstairs but she was crying, I asked if she was ok, and she told me my mum had died. Ever since then, my life hasn’t been the same. I’m writing to my dad more and he says he will come and visit me in the next month. Peter never turned up at home, so I guess he has gone too. But I know my mum will be watching over me and she will still be always there for me like she used to be. I’m never going to forget my mum, I will love her always. I turned over and stared at my clock; 3:00am, and very slowly, I drifted back off to sleep.
Words & Wordplay - 2 Answers
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Lame... ..
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Wow that's really good don't listen to the person above me he's just jealous because he couldn't write something that good.
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