Saturday, April 14, 2012

Did cost cutting play a roll in French heat wave deaths

Did cost cutting play a roll in French heat wave deaths?
France lost nearly 20,000 people in two heat waves. one in 1983 and nearly 15000 in 2003. >>>In addition, the response was "strongly aggravated" by the seasonal reduction of doctors, nurses and in-service hospital beds.<<< First I find it interesting that there is a seasonal change in medical service. But more importantly 13 days after the start of the heat wave is when the government decided to call back doctors and staff from their vacations and open up closed facilities. You're a medical professional on vacation at the beach. You're aware of nearly two weeks of news reporting a large number of deaths. Yet you don't return to work. I am trying to think of a reason why this might be so. Is this a result of the government trying to cut costs by partially shutting down services. Individuals on vacation would not see the need to rush back as they understood that the wards they worked in would be closed and the support staff also on vacation.
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Oh-ho-ho! I get it! Nice joke, mate :D

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