Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Career Choices for the young mind

Career Choices for the young mind?
I'm a 20 year old college student , I had plans on becoming a nurse but I have been opened up to a broader selection of choices I found I'm interested in . What possible career could I consider interests in : I like to argue with evidence ( no, I'm not interested in becoming a lawyer) I love history , American and globally I have interests in traveling in different countries , continents of the world I love speaking Being the center of attention Social , Communication , and the economy interests me ( Will be learning 3 languages , spanish, frech, and german ) I at first and still do have interest in the entertainment industry , I'm putting together a portfolio to begin urban glamour modeling (thick ethnic women) and go to Europe (preferably Germany & France) and make it big internationally but for some odd reason somethings telling me to hold off because I might seek a more professional career but I just have this burning urge to model or do something within the entertainment industry !!!!!!! Any advice ? Or options you think I should explore ?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
Consider a career in international business. I suggest Portuguese, if it is available, rather than German, as it will be much easier to learn along with French and Spanish and possibly could lead to work that involves Brazil which has one of the most quickly growing economies.,

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