Monday, September 7, 2009

In the bible it says that no man will live past 120 yrs old yet someone has is the bible FAKE or what

In the bible it says that no man will live past 120 yrs old yet someone has is the bible FAKE or what?
The oldest person ever whose age was authenticated, according to Guinness, was a woman named Jeanne Louise Calment, who lived to 122 years and 164 days. She was born in France on Feb. 21, 1875, and died at a nursing home in Arles in southern France on Aug. 4, 1997. According to the Bible, God promises every human being 120 years of life. This extraordinary promise is recorded in Genesis 6:3, which reads as follows: “And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh, yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.” Most of us have been led to believe what is written in Psalm 90:10, i.e., “The days of our years are three-score and ten...” (70 years). But this verse is a prayer of Moses, whereas in Genesis 6:3, God is speaking... Therefore, Genesis 6:3 exceeds Psalms 90:10 in terms of reference. This means that when God’s laws of eating and right living are obeyed, a human lifespan of 120 years is guaranteed...
Religion & Spirituality - 30 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Bible = owned.
2 :
Please give the Bible verse that says that.
3 :
listen to this i'll give you info you can live for ever buy immortality rings below
4 :
the bible is fake right down to the end time story in it since none of it can be proven to be factural outside of the bible and its not normal for some one to live past 60 in that day and age the bible was written in sorry
5 :
I am not familiar with that verse, please put it up along with the Bible it comes from. Peace!
6 :
Your question lacks proof, you say the Bible that no man will live past 120 yrs, but you have not provided proof that the bible says that.
7 :
It doesn't say that in the Bible. Apparently, you have been misinformed.
8 :
No Bible says so. That information about the Bible that you have is WRONG!!!
9 :
It did say no man...(just being humorous) The old rules and regulations were fulfilled by Jesus at the Cross. We are under Grace and if someone is blessed by long years upon the Earth it is a blessing of God. Grace is God's unmerited favor and we have done nothing to earn it - so we can't boast about it....(or we can't say we earned the blessing(s).)
10 :
I thought the Bible said 140, pal. Check again. Plus, they say biblical years are different than our invented years.
11 :
well it was a woman right? so no man did live past 120. i love loopholes.
12 :
This verse is NOT referencing the allotted time frame of human life span... it is talking about the length of time that God was allowing the people of Noah's day to change their sinful ways. God was giving people 120 years to turn from their sinful ways and repent.
13 :
Well, technically, Genesis 6:3 reads: "And the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”" There were ppl who lived past this age: Sarah, Abraham's wife, died at age 127 Aaron died at 123 and Abraham was 175, etc. I think God's intent at Genesis 6:3 was to say, "There's no way I'm going to keep working on the same human beings for a thousand years!" So He set a guideline for the maximum human lifespan. Some people die sooner, a very few die later, like Calment and Sarah. By the time Psalm 90 was written, most folks lived to the age of 70, with a few reaching 80 (Psalm 90:10). RE: Your comment about God's writings vs. Moses' writings, pls remember that Moses was God's man -- all Moses' writings were inspired by God. Peace.
14 :
Er, the Bible is all about an invisible god being who created the universe in a week, and his son who died and then came back to life, and souls and living forever. Why in the world would you be bothered by a detail like this, when the whole thing is so clearly fictional?
15 :
I have my own opinions about the authenticity and value of the bible, which I won't spout here. But for your question, at the very least, it's very out-dated. Remember when it was written. Humans weren't living as long then. We've had technological advances in science and health, so people are living longer now.
16 :
The normal high lifespan will be 120 years. The average person will live to 70.
17 :
I never heard that before
18 :
if i were you, i wouldnt use the bible as fact...
19 :
The verse is from Genesis 6, "And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days..." (Genesis 6:3-4) But if you will notice the context, God was speaking to the pre-flood people, who were growing increasingly wicked. The context demands that God was speaking to the wicked people of the time. After the flood, many things changed. Even righteous Abraham, Isaac and Jacob lived longer than 120 years. The difference is in the purging of the earth by the flood.
20 :
The Bible is not a fake. Also, why did people live to be several hundred years?
21 :
There is no such thing as 'man'. We are all dirtbags and ribs.
22 :
My o'l good actually believe the bible?Dun waste ur precious time on is fake right from the start...Its a wonder that there are still followers
23 :
To help out the question, three versions of that verse Genesis 6:3 (King James Version) And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. Genesis 6:3 (21st Century King James Version) And the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for he also is flesh; yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years." Genesis 6:3 (New International Version) Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years." and since "god" is infallible, he can't have "changed his mind" after the flood.
24 :
nothing is garanteed in live only death and hell if you do not know Yeshua God bless
25 :
Very interesting question indeed - to all the people that asked for the reference etc - read the question again. Genesis 6 verse: "And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years." Psalm 90 verse: "The days of our years are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty years; yet their pride is but labor and sorrow, for it passes quickly, and we fly away" I can't comment on the Guiness lady that lived to be 122 because I couldn't find it. I don't think the Genesis verse says explicitly that no one can live longer than 120 years - I mean if you eat perfect etc and all that jazz, would you just drop dead at 120? Let me know if you get a good answer though - I'm interested.
26 :
Gen 6:3 is not saying that this is how many years that one has to live, but what it is saying is that God gave the people of the earth an amazing 120 years to change their wicked ways or he would destroy the earth with a flood. well, i guess in their 120 years they didnt change their ways. In Psalm 90:10 - it is only trying to convey that our life is only 70 years, 80 perhaps but in the scope of eternity this is nothing more that a vapor. the author only wants to demonstarte that our lfetime is very very short. You have misintrepeted what you read
27 :
hmmm I disagree that the Bible says that man was promised a certain amount of years. And using your own references: The 6th Chapter of Genesis is the account of the events just before the flood. God was speaking of man in general, not every man, and how long he was going to tolerate those people doing what they were doing. And by reading the context of the scripture in Psalms, even the WHOLE of the same verse, you would find that the Psalmist was taking a look around at people and life in general and realizing that man only lives a certain amount of time and his life is full of trouble during that time - it says "if by reason of strength." Some humans live longer than others, because of health reasons, but that doesnt mean that that is how long God intended man to live. Ecclesiastes tells us that he put eternity into their heart.
28 :
The Bible was written when a 50-year-old was considered ancient, especially since the average lifespan was about 40 at most. In Biblical times, a 120-year lifespan was an immense amount of time. I'd like a lifespan more like Methusalah was reported to have had, nearly 1000 years (this is also in Genesis, I think).
29 :
Nothing is impossible for God. Consider her exceptionally blessed. It does not prove the Bible wrong, because that there is the cut-off point for living a natural life. She probably had medicines, special care, etc., that prolonged her life. She probably also lived a very godly life, and was rewarded as such. I mean, look at Aaron (Moses' brother) who lived to be 123, and Sarah (wife of Abraham), who died at 127. It doesn't specifically say "Man shall live 120 years to the day, and no more" (although that's how long Moses lived...)... but is written as a general 'rule-of-thumb' fact (ie just because the lifespan of a dog is 14 years, doesn't mean dogs don't sometimes live 15 or even 16 years, or as little as 10). Those with exceedingly long lives are considered as being blessed by God. To the person above me: "And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died." - Gen. 5:27
30 :
Hey ,how are you? the bible have some truth in it however it's not the definite. Some people don't have the understanding of what they are reading so it bring about a question.You live past 120 years only if you have the proper understanding of self and eat according to the universe knowledge.Also the bible have hints and clues about life and the time however that once again take knowledge & understanding.If you want more understandinng go to It helps

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