Friday, August 14, 2009

What is the most stupid thing You said to a girl

What is the most stupid thing You said to a girl?
For me is must be this summer when I was in Nice, France. Me and my pal was sitting on the balcony nursing our beers when this absolute fox leaned out the window across the court yard and asked: "Do any of You knows anything about computers and internet?" "Yes I do" I answered "I just installed Internet in my flat, but I can't connect to the server, I got the password and everything but it doesn't seem to work" Anyone of sound mind would here offer to come over and help her, but me in my utter stupidity gave the most logical answer I could come up with "Have You checked if Caps Lock is pressed down?" I never saw her again!
Singles & Dating - 4 Answers
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1 :
"I do"
2 :
I had a woman express herself about an ex of hers. She was coming on strong and all I said was,"Maybe you should call him!"
3 :
Well, I told one that I actually liked her.
4 :
The most stupid thing that I ever said was "I love you"

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