Tuesday, February 7, 2012

alentine 10 Questions #2

Valentine 10 Questions #2?
01. Who was Cupid's mother? a. Aphrodite b. Artemis c. Hera d. Venus 02. According to mythology, what was once celebrated on Valentine's Day? a. Fertility b. Virginity c. Romance d. Marriage 03. Approximately how many calories can be burned by kissing for one minute? a. 16 calories b. 26 calories c. 36 calories d. 46 calories 04. According to statistics, in what profession do people receive the most Valentine's Day cards? a. Nurses b. Secretaries c. Teachers d. Librarians 05. Since the 1950s, how has Valentine's Day been customarily celebrated in Japan? a. Couples exchange white doves b. Men give women white chocolate c. Women give men chocolate d. Romantic meals are served on white table settings 06. What Italian city receives thousands of cards addressed to Juliet every Valentine's Day? a. Rome b. Verona c. Venice d. Florence 07. According to Roman mythology, what liquid that spilled by Cupid caused roses to grow? a. nectar b. rose oil c. patchouli oil d. red wine 08. What were Esther Howland's valentines known for? a. price b. color c. availability d. beauty 09. In what country's museum can you find the oldest known Valentine still in existence? a. Italy b. England c. Greece d. France 10. In Shakespearean times what bodily organ was associated with love? a. liver b. kidneys c. brain d. stomach
Valentine's Day - 4 Answers
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1 :
google it.
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why do you CAREE. but 3 is b
3 :
01. Who was Cupid's mother? a. Aphrodite 02. According to mythology, what was once celebrated on Valentine's Day? c. Romance 03. Approximately how many calories can be burned by kissing for one minute? c. 36 calories 04. According to statistics, in what profession do people receive the most Valentine's Day cards? c. Teachers 05. Since the 1950s, how has Valentine's Day been customarily celebrated in Japan? c. Women give men chocolate 06. What Italian city receives thousands of cards addressed to Juliet every Valentine's Day? a. Rome 07. According to Roman mythology, what liquid that spilled by Cupid caused roses to grow? d. red wine 08. What were Esther Howland's valentines known for? c. availability 09. In what country's museum can you find the oldest known Valentine still in existence? a. Italy 10. In Shakespearean times what bodily organ was associated with love? d. stomach
4 :
01. a. Aphrodite 02. c. Romance 03. c. 36 calories 04. c. Teachers 05. c. Women give men chocolate 06. a. Rome 07. d. Red wine 08. c. Availability 09. a. Italy 10. d. Stomach

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