Wednesday, April 7, 2010


7.4 The Great War Who led the American Expeditionary Force at St. Mihiel? Alfred von Schlieffen Georges Clemenceau John Pershing Ferdinand Zeppelin POINT VALUE: 10 points Clara Barton was most responsible for the ______. nursing of wounded AEF soldiers U.S. signing of Geneva Convention Zimmerman Telegram creation of United Way Fund POINT VALUE: 10 points Who was responsible for establishing the Western Front? Brigadier General Hugh Johnson General John Pershing Secretary of State Zimmerman General von Falkenhayn POINT VALUE: 10 points Who was most responsible for more than 57,000 machine guns in use by AEF on the Western Front? John Moses Browning Ferdinand Zeppelin General von Falkenhayn Prime Minister Lloyd George POINT VALUE: 10 points Who won re-election on the slogan “he kept us out of war!” Secretary of State Zimmerman Prime Minister Lloyd George Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau President Woodrow Wilson POINT VALUE: 10 points Whose telegram was a warning that Germany was interested in Mexico’s assistance in the war effort? Secretary of State Zimmerman Prime Minister Lloyd George Prince Otto von Bismarck Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau POINT VALUE: 10 points In what year did the U.S. enter the Great War? 1914 1915 1916 1917 POINT VALUE: 10 points In what year did Wilson introduce his Peace Programme including the 14 Points? 1917 1918 1919 1920 POINT VALUE: 10 points In what year did Britain and France sign the Triple Entente? 1889 1904 1907 1914 POINT VALUE: 10 points In what year did Germany introduce a plan which included attacking France in the event of a Russian attack on Germany? 1889 1890 1905 1912 POINT VALUE: 10 points PLEASE ONLY GIVE ME THE ANSWERS!
Skin Conditions - 4 Answers
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1 :
wrong yahoo section genius!
2 :
Google it.
3 : <| copy and paste, Type your answer, and next time realize your in the wrong section!
4 :
FAIL Next time study, don't expect anyone here to help you cheat on your homework.

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