Friday, December 28, 2012

what are different ways to become a legal Cit. in France and how would I go about it??? (currently) in the USA

what are different ways to become a legal Cit. in France and how would I go about it??? (currently) in the USA
I am a LPN (Lisence Pratical Nurse) and would like to become legal Citizenship in France what would have to be done aswell as what are the cridentials?? Do I have to speak french??? Or could I learn the language once I live there?
Immigration - 1 Answers
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you would have to contact the French consulate for more details.

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Friday, December 14, 2012

Is the BVNA (Vet Nursing Qualification) valid in France

Is the BVNA (Vet Nursing Qualification) valid in France?
I hold a qualification as a Qualified Veterinary Nurse both & am considering a move to France. Would this qualification be valid there?
Other - France - 2 Answers
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1 :
Suggest you check with these people, they are the only ones who can give you a definitive answer: MAPAAR Bureau de la protection animale 251 rue Vaugirard - 75732 Paris Cedex 15 France Tel: 00 33 1 49 55 84 70 Fax: 00 33 1 49 55 81 97
2 :
Absolutely. The fact that you are able to spell the word veterinary entitles you to most senior posts in NHS hospitals in UK.

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Friday, December 7, 2012

Can an RN practice nursing in France

Can an RN practice nursing in France?
I am a RN with a BSN, I have a European passport and I speak French as well. Thank you.
Health Care - 2 Answers
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I'm not really sure but I think you can if you take another boards test over there.
2 :
I don't see why not. As an E.U. passport holder, you are entitled to work anywhere in the E.U., and the fact that you already speak French gives you an advantage. Check the national government website for France.

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

can a nurse find employment easily in Paris France

can a nurse find employment easily in Paris France?

Careers & Employment - 3 Answers
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1 :
she can and she can.... try steamed panda.... first get cho panda!!!!!! second skin it alive its very agonizing third take off the fat forth smother it with crushed bamboo and bbq sause fifth rotissare it for 2 hours sixth steam it and finally.. put it on bamboo very tender (just so u know i've been doing this ALL day)
2 :
Yes, cause there seem to be a big lack of nurses in our hospitals, and no, cause unfortunately, our governement is trying to reduce all the costs in hospitals.
3 :
you have to have a work visa to work in Europe. anywhere in Europe. a place to call to find out this info is Healthstar in Wharton, Texas. let me get number for you......(979)282-9009. this is what they do. but, they place foreign individuals into the US, but i am sure they could help you on the reverse end. just tell them why you are calling and i'm sure they can put you in the right direction. good luck.

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