Health care in the United States...?
Before you read the question, I do know that this is a loaded question. I am looking for everyone's answers (to this question). Most people will concede that there is a problem with health care in the United States. General consensus (and statistics) shows that the population pays too much for health care. Insurance companies deny reasonable claims to save money when they shouldn't. Doctors and nurses are overworked and not (for the most part) paid based on performance. Preventative care doesn't hold as much importance, leading to more doctor visits down the road. Because of insurance companies, doctors and hospitals cannot give the care they would like to. Due to drug legislation (including recent bills passed) prescriptions are becoming extremely expensive. A drug can be sold at many times the production cost for a large profit (for the drug company). On the flip-side: Without drugs being expensive, companies have less want to spend so much in research and development. Remember that almost all statistics can be interpreted more than one way. For starters, see: My opinion: I believe we should look at the (much) more successful models of Canada, Britain, and France. Each is slightly different, but has benefits. Each is called social medicine, similar to how the US now has social firefighting (no more shields on houses) and social police (not so much guns for hire anymore). This is paid for by taxes. The amount that people generally pay towards health insurance would be, on average, the same in taxes. The difference would be that everyone gets care and there is no insurance company to deny claims. Why? There are no claims to deny. The government also cover all, or most of the cost of prescriptions. There can still be competition between drug makers and there would still be a profit to be made. It's just that now prescriptions are affordable for everyone. Are there downsides to this system? Of course. Nevertheless, I honestly believe that it's a better system than what we have now. The only drawbacks I've heard were mainly from the conservative groups. "It's Communist/Socialist." -So then, our police, firefighters, road-workers, etc. Communist policies as well? Then there was Giuliani with his whole cancer speech which was later found to be completely incorrect, and noted so by his aides. "Would you pay more taxes for this?" -For the assurance of health care? Of course! I would definitely stop paying insurance and just pay a higher tax. Our taxes are relatively low as it stands right now and there are plenty of taxes that can be abolished. "You would need oversight committees." -Yes. Is that such a bad thing? "You would have to wait longer to be seen." -Actually, it's quite the opposite as evidenced by the other countries with it. There wouldn't be half the crap that there is now so patients would be able to get in and out much more quickly. Again, what do you think? And please, let's keep this civilized and as informed as possible. They come here for better specialists I agree with. Overall, most doctors are paid more and trained better in the US. So, there are better ones here. And I don't think universal health care is failing in those countries due to the system. I think it has to do with the other problems in the government as well. Considering I'm also in health care, I see everything too. What I forgot to mention is that I DEFINITELY want to hear both sides of this. Being in health care, this is important to me and I've been reading news, statistics, and propaganda for both sides as well as seeing it up close. sgtpepper: Would you say that the VA's problems are due to the lack of sufficient funds? Would a generalized health care tax be enough to cover the problems faced there? Just thinking...
Other - Politics & Government - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You do realize the systems of Canada, Britain, and France (EU) are on the verge of collapsing and to save their systems, much of it is now privatized or is being privatized. In other words, they've discovered that universal health care doesn't work, and they're adopting a system that is more like our's. Furthermore, have you ever been to one of our VA system hospitals? I have. I've seen first hand what happens when the government gets involved in health care. And as such, it's my firm belief that the government has NO place in our health care field. And your fourth point ("You would have to wait longer to be seen") and it's counter is actually wrong. There are hundreds, likely thousands, of patients annually from Europe/Britain and Canada to come to this nation for critical care procedures because our facilities are better, more modern, better trained doctors, and less time spent in line waiting to see a government specialist. I work in health care now. The politicians can't pull the wool over my eyes.
2 :
You make some very good points on the costs being out of control and health care being no more socialism than fire or police departments. That has been an argument I have used in the past. I have to admit this is a valid argument and forces me to think. I believe when it gets right down to it, I don't think our government is competent enough to put together an effective system that would be better than private industry. I look at the only model available for me to make that judgment on and that is the VA health care system which I currently qualify to use. I choose private practice, not because of the quality of care or competency of the doctors, but because of the unbelievable ineffective bureaucracy that exists. I believe there are measures congress could take to bring costs under control rather than take over another huge private industry and mismanage it.
3 :
Don't really have an answer but more of a story. My husband I got married and had children at a very young age. We were 16 and 18 respectively. Yes I know that's not good, we could of ruined our futures, blah blah blah but hey, it worked out. My husband worked his ass off to support us on a salary of nothing at McDonalds. We never got help from welfare or hand outs. We made it work. At 23 years old he was diagnosed with synovial sarcoma, a big tumor on his neck. We had no insurance. We were sent to our local welfare office to see if they could help us out with medical and were denied because he supposedly made to much. What pissed me off more than anything was to look around the room and see tons of people getting medical,money,and food from the government for free because they chose to be bums and not work. Us on the other hand who worked to support our family didn't have so much luck. We were turned down and shoved out the door with a nice good luck and I hope you live. What kind of bull is that? Lucky for us the hospital took the state to court and won. We ended up getting a "little bit" of help from the government funds that were supposed to be there to help out people like us. Had we been addicted to some drug and had too many kids to feed we would have had some relief but because we were hard working people we were told no. How can this be right? Our story, fortunately, turned out to have a happy ending. That was 8 years ago and we found our pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It was the hospital and doctors that made that happen. We now own our own business and our kids are thriving teenagers on their way to college. What makes me wonder is how many people in this country didn't have the luxury of a hospital that is willing to fight for their lives? And how many drug addict bums are getting a free ride? I think our government needs to come up with some kind of health care for it's people. It's not just about the very rich or the very poor. It should also be about the hard working Americans in the middle.
4 :
Intuitively, you would say that a private system would be more efficient than a socialised system. As an Australian optometrist however I have seen how well our socialised system actually works. The only real issues are where State and Federal responsibilites overlap creating some friction over funding, but generally our health care system is first class at minimum cost. It is true there are waiting periods of up to a year for some elective surgical procedures, but generally there is no waiting at all for most treatment, and there is always the option to have a procedure done privately. It is also reassuring to know that everybody is entitled to top quality health care no matter what their financial status. Preventative medecine is given a much higher priority, for example the diference in the way AIDS was dealt with here compared to the US, with very different outcomes. Australian life expectancy is higher with a lower per capita health spend. My advice is to go with socialised medecine.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Why are Americans so opposed to socialized/single-payer healthcare
Why are Americans so opposed to socialized/single-payer healthcare?
I've been a nurse at multiple institutions in the U.S., including the world-renowned Mayo Clinic, and I can honestly say that most people do not get what they pay for, and many healthcare professionals are both overpaid and overworked, which leads to poor quality, expensive healthcare experiences for many patients. I've been shopping around for countries to move to, because my own healthcare is becoming too expensive (I have chronic cerebral vasculitis and an AVM, requiring several brain surgeries and am in the process of filing for bankruptcy for in excess of $100K that my private health insurance plan will not pay), and I need care, but if I stay in the U.S., I am going to have to file for disability and live off the government in order to get my care. My two jobs do not provide me with healthcare benefits, and I have reached my $750K lifetime maximum with my private health insurance plan, and will never be able to get private health insurance again - unless it is associated with a group healthcare plan with a full time job. My health is brittle enough that I'm predominantly only able to do per diem work. I need the flexibility to sit out from work for a few weeks if I have a bout with seizures. Though per diem work pays quite well, it's rare that it includes healthcare benefits. I've spent a great deal of time in Canada, the U.K., France and Italy, and they all have really phenomenal healthcare systems that are available to people regardless of their ability to afford or even find private health insurance. Many people who would otherwise not be able to work, because they need to be made impoverished to be covered by the government in the U.S., are able to work in these other countries. The current U.S. system seems to encourage capable workers to file for disability and "live off the government," because you have to be very poor in order to get government assistance for medical bills here. Why do people support this? I don't want to be forced out of work. I'm fully capable of working, but just under unusual conditions. Why not just set up a system where healthcare is covered by the government just like education, police, firefighters, military defense and tons of other services that people don't balk about having to pay taxes for? kathy069: As I've said, I've lived in Canada. Much of my family has moved there since the election of 2004. One of my significant others is based there. Their tax rate is not 50%, I'm sorry you have been misinformed on that. And their healthcare does exactly what it sets out to do: provide quality and thorough healthcare to everyone, regardless of their ability to pay, and regardless of their having private health insurance. I get my information from personal experience, not from the news. answer man: On the contrary. I've had brain surgery in both the U.K. and Italy (I have had 11 brain surgeries in 15 years), and in both cases, I was admitted immediately after having seizures, and received surgery within 8 hours of admission. That wasn't too long of a wait. It's terrible that you have been misinformed. Jen: I speak from experience. I am not talking out my ass here. Yes, it is true that in most countries with socialized medical care, there is a distinct shortage of primary care physicians (though that is becoming increasingly true here as well - they just don't make a lot of money anywhere), and so if you want a regular doctor, you have to wait. But if you have a problem that needs quick attention, you just walk into an E.R. in these countries, and you're in right away, and don't have an enormous bill (or one at all) afterward. It's true that cosmetic and unnecessary procedures are not covered by socialized healthcare plans, but they're not covered by our insurance here either. Everything that is medically necessary - even experimental treatments, have been covered by the government for my friends and family who live in Canada, the U.K., Italy and France. In cases where they do not have the capability to provide those procedures, those systems often send patients to the U.S. black leopard: You talk nonsense, and fear not - things are so bad in the U.S. that even the illegals are leaving in droves: Personally, I don't think that it's worth wrecking an entire population that needs affordable healthcare in order to keep those pesky illegals from getting any care. As it stands right now, those illegals walk into any E.R. and they have to receive treatment, because of the COBRA antidumping Act of 1985. But it's unlikely that an uninsured illegal is going to pay for the services that they are required to receive, so guess who foots the bill? You and me and everyone else! But in the meantime, the rest of us who are legal and concerned about our credit have to worry about bankruptcy and poverty from our medical expenses. At least socialized medicine makes it so that *everyone* gets cheap or free care... not just illegals. I do not understand your xenophobic perspective. Iceman: Your point lacks eloquence or sources, but I think you're more accurate than anyone else can imagine. Gold Standard: Rich Canadians go to the U.S., because they have access to risky experimental treatments and drug trials that are not available in Canada. They can afford to pay for those risks. I'm an American who has *regularly* driven to Canada for treatment. And I can tell you that there are tons of other Americans who do the same. Watch the movie SiCKO to see how prevalent the practice is. Are you not aware of the senior citizens bus tours that routinely go to Canada or Mexico so that seniors can get checkups or purchase their prescription meds across the border?! In a 2 second search, this is at the top: I wish you weren't so representative of the mainstream view... it's 100% wrong! JohnFromNC: Please tell me *EXACTLY* where you got the information that the U.S. provides the best service in the world, with regard to healthcare. This is new information that contradicts all WHO information out there, and my experiences working at the Mayo Clinic, were many people traveled far and wide, and we still could not give them better than they received elsewhere (see King Hussein of Jordan - 1999, for a quick example). I am most interested in hearing a mainstream proclamation to the contrary of *EVERY* other source I've ever seen in recent years. Gold Standard: Please cite a single recent (last 2 years) ballot proposition that is designed to privatize healthcare in Canada. In response to your answer, I just chatted with 6 of my Canadian friends/family members/significant other, and none of them could even recall such a prop, and said that if there was one, it was initiated by a fringe group, and was defeated massively. As one of my family members said, "if they're out there, they've been treated like those ballot props that say, 'hey, let's make head scarfs illegal' or 'let's mandate creationism being taught in our schools.' Nobody takes them seriously, and their presence is indicative of nothing."
Politics - 17 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Because they hate America.
2 :
I'm sorry for your condition.
3 :
I think it's because Americans are against socialism. But I've been to socialist countries like Cuba and actually the healthcare is great.
4 :
The tax rate in Canada is also close to 50%. I have friends in Canada who say the healthcare system is horrible. If I were you, I'd talk to the people and not go by what the press would like you to believe. Those systems are simply not as great as you think.
5 :
The federal budget is allready $3,000,000 Million per year. All state budgets are $4,000,000 Million a year The national debt is $11,000,000 Million. There are only 150 million employed people to pay for it all.
6 :
Because the health Care industry is controlled by big money players like Kaiser and Blue Cross Blue Shield. They would stand to lose A LOT of money if Americans were given a more realistic option, like France or Canada, or like our Current Government employees. and, it would seem, the majority of Americans believe what they are told in regards to "Socialized Medicine", so they allow themsleves to believe that they have the 'best' system around, despite all evidence to the contrary.
7 :
You don't mention that you would have to wait years for your brain surgery if you were in one of the countries you mention, and that's if they let you get it at all. Government does just about nothing very well. They take our money, steal some, spend some on their pet projects, hire friends with some of it, waste some of it and then build a bureaucracy to spend the rest of it, leaving about 25 cents on the dollar for the original purpose.
8 :
Oh, honey, I wish I knew. I know part of it is due to Republicans telling people that it will destroy our economy. First, that's a lie since plenty of countries have universal healthcare and do just absolutely fine, and secondly, our economy is already in the pooper presently. But I am 100% with ya.
9 :
If you actually talk to people in these other countries that have government run healthplans they will tell you its horrible. The government mandates everything. In order to go to the doctor you should be prepared to wait in LONG lines, wait forever to even be able to make an appointment (I have a friend that is being told its about a 2 yr waiting period to get into a new doctor at this time) and then to be told that some if not most of the tests/procedures/medications you need are not going to be covered because of cost/your age/etc. I would encourage you to do more research on the government health plan and talking to people who currently have this health plan in other countries before making any decision on it. I agree with you that the private healthcare we have now sucks. I currently pay a ton of money every month for prescriptions. I agree with you that it definatly needs to be looked at, but a government run healthplan is NOT the answer for this.
10 :
I agree that our health care system in this country needs to be re-vamped. I do know the countries that provide universal medical care have incredibly high taxes, options are extremely limited, and usually have long waits to see doctors for routine care. I would much rather spend our tax dollars on health care for all americans than to bail out big corporate entities that were making high risk loans to people who couldn't afford to pay them back.
11 :
with a lot of illegals benefiting from socialized healthcare, americans are a little cautious with having to pay taxes that might end up benefiting more illegals than actual american citizens. if the government can find a way to address that problem, americans will be more willing to accept that concept. in the UK, muslim men with multiple wives are able to provide healthcare coverage to all of their many wives, imagine that happening here, it doesn't sound so encouraging.
12 :
America has the most greedy people in the world, doing this would be Less fortunes for alot of people,if a bill was being talked about, almost everone in the house would vote against having Universal Healtcare since that would mean, cutting jobs, less money for the heads of the many many health insurance companies out, can you even come to imagine the amount of people that would be OUT of a job if we were to get Universal Health care, Not to mention on another note that many people going into college to become Nurses and Doctors of different kind are only doing it for the Salary,and not the benefit of knowing they are helping many many people in need. Some do it for the good of the people but you would have to weigh in the amount that want to be doctors and nurses for the money.
13 :
Vote_usa Don`t you mean "The national debt is $11,000,000 trillion". Not million?
14 :
Most Americans have been convinced that socialized or universal health care would worsen medical care. The insurance and Big Pharma lobbyists have done excellent work over the years in persuading Congress that cutting them out of the economic bonanza would cause a crisis in the system, while those who understand the dilemma of the current system realize that the insurance companies are rewarded for decreased care and limited enrollment to those who are healthy. Interesting that no one complains about Medicare and the treatment it provides which is nothing more than socialized medicine. There are Americans who understand your plight.
15 :
Why do Canadians drive to the USA for medical care? Why do Americans not drive to Canada for medical care? There you go! BTW there are constant ballot propositions in Canada to privatize medicine. It sucks up there.
16 :
I could not agree more with you. From what I understand it's a mixture of thinking the quality go down and that people are going to start freeloading of the system, which is both entirely false. I wish more people like you would speak up in the system, because my belief is that people who like the american system are people who either a) can afford really really good health care or b) people who never have had any serious problems. It's only when you are in a bad spot you'll start to realize exactly how bad this system is. A system that is purely driven by profit cannot be expected to always give good care, because good care is not always profitable. Chronic diseases or rare diseases costs tons of money to treat, something most insurance companies will do anything to not pay. Everyone should have the right to live a healthy and productive life no matter of social (or genetical) background, and this is simply not possible with a private insurance based system. I really hope things work out for you, best of luck! Edit: I always find it funny how many americans that are so sure that the waiting list in other countries are years and years . If this was the case, people would die in spades overseas awaiting operations. If this really is what people think of europe, australia and canada it is very very sad. And I'm sorry if your goverment sucks at running things, but that doesn't mean everyone else are. Although that's beside the point, goverments don't run hospitals, they just pay for them.
17 :
Well to do Europeans are flocking to the USA to get their health care needs met. It just saw this reported on the Nightly News. They say the quality and service in the US is better than anywhere else in the world. As with all tax based services, you have to come up with the money from somewhere. Americans do not like excessive taxes no matter where or what it goes for. There seems to be a huge misunderstanding in this because so many people want what they think is basically "free" services. Nothing is free. You have to pay for workers, services and facilities and that comes from the tax base whenever the government is involved. The cost of health care, like everything else, rises when it costs more to pay people, develop cutting edge technology and the cost of raw materials goes up. Wages, which pay taxes, are not inflating as fast as costs. Lets assume everyone has some problem, like you, that keeps them from working. Who pays the bill? I'm sure we would all like for someone else to pay our bill. ------------- You need to get more rounded info from multiple sources. One source will always lead you astray. I watched a recent news report on TV. Saw it with my own eyes and they interviewed the people on camera so I know what those people thought. The reason the story had any relevance at all is that these people were coming from a socialized "free" system to the US for treatment. The question was - Why? Answer was: Cheaper, faster service, superior quality of treatment. They had the money and they chose the best system. Those who did not have the money stayed home. What this says to me is that innovation occurs only when there is incentive. You take the money out of it and it becomes mediocre. Of course, there is always the chance for excess and that will have to be controlled. And remember this above all, there is NO perfect system in the world. You can read stories pro and con about all systems. I do not like the cost of our system by any means. But, I'm not so sure I want to give half my income year after year to the government for a service I might hardly use. I also do not like paying higher insurance costs for high risk houses in hurricane paths and uninsured drivers.
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I've been a nurse at multiple institutions in the U.S., including the world-renowned Mayo Clinic, and I can honestly say that most people do not get what they pay for, and many healthcare professionals are both overpaid and overworked, which leads to poor quality, expensive healthcare experiences for many patients. I've been shopping around for countries to move to, because my own healthcare is becoming too expensive (I have chronic cerebral vasculitis and an AVM, requiring several brain surgeries and am in the process of filing for bankruptcy for in excess of $100K that my private health insurance plan will not pay), and I need care, but if I stay in the U.S., I am going to have to file for disability and live off the government in order to get my care. My two jobs do not provide me with healthcare benefits, and I have reached my $750K lifetime maximum with my private health insurance plan, and will never be able to get private health insurance again - unless it is associated with a group healthcare plan with a full time job. My health is brittle enough that I'm predominantly only able to do per diem work. I need the flexibility to sit out from work for a few weeks if I have a bout with seizures. Though per diem work pays quite well, it's rare that it includes healthcare benefits. I've spent a great deal of time in Canada, the U.K., France and Italy, and they all have really phenomenal healthcare systems that are available to people regardless of their ability to afford or even find private health insurance. Many people who would otherwise not be able to work, because they need to be made impoverished to be covered by the government in the U.S., are able to work in these other countries. The current U.S. system seems to encourage capable workers to file for disability and "live off the government," because you have to be very poor in order to get government assistance for medical bills here. Why do people support this? I don't want to be forced out of work. I'm fully capable of working, but just under unusual conditions. Why not just set up a system where healthcare is covered by the government just like education, police, firefighters, military defense and tons of other services that people don't balk about having to pay taxes for? kathy069: As I've said, I've lived in Canada. Much of my family has moved there since the election of 2004. One of my significant others is based there. Their tax rate is not 50%, I'm sorry you have been misinformed on that. And their healthcare does exactly what it sets out to do: provide quality and thorough healthcare to everyone, regardless of their ability to pay, and regardless of their having private health insurance. I get my information from personal experience, not from the news. answer man: On the contrary. I've had brain surgery in both the U.K. and Italy (I have had 11 brain surgeries in 15 years), and in both cases, I was admitted immediately after having seizures, and received surgery within 8 hours of admission. That wasn't too long of a wait. It's terrible that you have been misinformed. Jen: I speak from experience. I am not talking out my ass here. Yes, it is true that in most countries with socialized medical care, there is a distinct shortage of primary care physicians (though that is becoming increasingly true here as well - they just don't make a lot of money anywhere), and so if you want a regular doctor, you have to wait. But if you have a problem that needs quick attention, you just walk into an E.R. in these countries, and you're in right away, and don't have an enormous bill (or one at all) afterward. It's true that cosmetic and unnecessary procedures are not covered by socialized healthcare plans, but they're not covered by our insurance here either. Everything that is medically necessary - even experimental treatments, have been covered by the government for my friends and family who live in Canada, the U.K., Italy and France. In cases where they do not have the capability to provide those procedures, those systems often send patients to the U.S. black leopard: You talk nonsense, and fear not - things are so bad in the U.S. that even the illegals are leaving in droves: Personally, I don't think that it's worth wrecking an entire population that needs affordable healthcare in order to keep those pesky illegals from getting any care. As it stands right now, those illegals walk into any E.R. and they have to receive treatment, because of the COBRA antidumping Act of 1985. But it's unlikely that an uninsured illegal is going to pay for the services that they are required to receive, so guess who foots the bill? You and me and everyone else! But in the meantime, the rest of us who are legal and concerned about our credit have to worry about bankruptcy and poverty from our medical expenses. At least socialized medicine makes it so that *everyone* gets cheap or free care... not just illegals. I do not understand your xenophobic perspective. Iceman: Your point lacks eloquence or sources, but I think you're more accurate than anyone else can imagine. Gold Standard: Rich Canadians go to the U.S., because they have access to risky experimental treatments and drug trials that are not available in Canada. They can afford to pay for those risks. I'm an American who has *regularly* driven to Canada for treatment. And I can tell you that there are tons of other Americans who do the same. Watch the movie SiCKO to see how prevalent the practice is. Are you not aware of the senior citizens bus tours that routinely go to Canada or Mexico so that seniors can get checkups or purchase their prescription meds across the border?! In a 2 second search, this is at the top: I wish you weren't so representative of the mainstream view... it's 100% wrong! JohnFromNC: Please tell me *EXACTLY* where you got the information that the U.S. provides the best service in the world, with regard to healthcare. This is new information that contradicts all WHO information out there, and my experiences working at the Mayo Clinic, were many people traveled far and wide, and we still could not give them better than they received elsewhere (see King Hussein of Jordan - 1999, for a quick example). I am most interested in hearing a mainstream proclamation to the contrary of *EVERY* other source I've ever seen in recent years. Gold Standard: Please cite a single recent (last 2 years) ballot proposition that is designed to privatize healthcare in Canada. In response to your answer, I just chatted with 6 of my Canadian friends/family members/significant other, and none of them could even recall such a prop, and said that if there was one, it was initiated by a fringe group, and was defeated massively. As one of my family members said, "if they're out there, they've been treated like those ballot props that say, 'hey, let's make head scarfs illegal' or 'let's mandate creationism being taught in our schools.' Nobody takes them seriously, and their presence is indicative of nothing."
Politics - 17 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Because they hate America.
2 :
I'm sorry for your condition.
3 :
I think it's because Americans are against socialism. But I've been to socialist countries like Cuba and actually the healthcare is great.
4 :
The tax rate in Canada is also close to 50%. I have friends in Canada who say the healthcare system is horrible. If I were you, I'd talk to the people and not go by what the press would like you to believe. Those systems are simply not as great as you think.
5 :
The federal budget is allready $3,000,000 Million per year. All state budgets are $4,000,000 Million a year The national debt is $11,000,000 Million. There are only 150 million employed people to pay for it all.
6 :
Because the health Care industry is controlled by big money players like Kaiser and Blue Cross Blue Shield. They would stand to lose A LOT of money if Americans were given a more realistic option, like France or Canada, or like our Current Government employees. and, it would seem, the majority of Americans believe what they are told in regards to "Socialized Medicine", so they allow themsleves to believe that they have the 'best' system around, despite all evidence to the contrary.
7 :
You don't mention that you would have to wait years for your brain surgery if you were in one of the countries you mention, and that's if they let you get it at all. Government does just about nothing very well. They take our money, steal some, spend some on their pet projects, hire friends with some of it, waste some of it and then build a bureaucracy to spend the rest of it, leaving about 25 cents on the dollar for the original purpose.
8 :
Oh, honey, I wish I knew. I know part of it is due to Republicans telling people that it will destroy our economy. First, that's a lie since plenty of countries have universal healthcare and do just absolutely fine, and secondly, our economy is already in the pooper presently. But I am 100% with ya.
9 :
If you actually talk to people in these other countries that have government run healthplans they will tell you its horrible. The government mandates everything. In order to go to the doctor you should be prepared to wait in LONG lines, wait forever to even be able to make an appointment (I have a friend that is being told its about a 2 yr waiting period to get into a new doctor at this time) and then to be told that some if not most of the tests/procedures/medications you need are not going to be covered because of cost/your age/etc. I would encourage you to do more research on the government health plan and talking to people who currently have this health plan in other countries before making any decision on it. I agree with you that the private healthcare we have now sucks. I currently pay a ton of money every month for prescriptions. I agree with you that it definatly needs to be looked at, but a government run healthplan is NOT the answer for this.
10 :
I agree that our health care system in this country needs to be re-vamped. I do know the countries that provide universal medical care have incredibly high taxes, options are extremely limited, and usually have long waits to see doctors for routine care. I would much rather spend our tax dollars on health care for all americans than to bail out big corporate entities that were making high risk loans to people who couldn't afford to pay them back.
11 :
with a lot of illegals benefiting from socialized healthcare, americans are a little cautious with having to pay taxes that might end up benefiting more illegals than actual american citizens. if the government can find a way to address that problem, americans will be more willing to accept that concept. in the UK, muslim men with multiple wives are able to provide healthcare coverage to all of their many wives, imagine that happening here, it doesn't sound so encouraging.
12 :
America has the most greedy people in the world, doing this would be Less fortunes for alot of people,if a bill was being talked about, almost everone in the house would vote against having Universal Healtcare since that would mean, cutting jobs, less money for the heads of the many many health insurance companies out, can you even come to imagine the amount of people that would be OUT of a job if we were to get Universal Health care, Not to mention on another note that many people going into college to become Nurses and Doctors of different kind are only doing it for the Salary,and not the benefit of knowing they are helping many many people in need. Some do it for the good of the people but you would have to weigh in the amount that want to be doctors and nurses for the money.
13 :
Vote_usa Don`t you mean "The national debt is $11,000,000 trillion". Not million?
14 :
Most Americans have been convinced that socialized or universal health care would worsen medical care. The insurance and Big Pharma lobbyists have done excellent work over the years in persuading Congress that cutting them out of the economic bonanza would cause a crisis in the system, while those who understand the dilemma of the current system realize that the insurance companies are rewarded for decreased care and limited enrollment to those who are healthy. Interesting that no one complains about Medicare and the treatment it provides which is nothing more than socialized medicine. There are Americans who understand your plight.
15 :
Why do Canadians drive to the USA for medical care? Why do Americans not drive to Canada for medical care? There you go! BTW there are constant ballot propositions in Canada to privatize medicine. It sucks up there.
16 :
I could not agree more with you. From what I understand it's a mixture of thinking the quality go down and that people are going to start freeloading of the system, which is both entirely false. I wish more people like you would speak up in the system, because my belief is that people who like the american system are people who either a) can afford really really good health care or b) people who never have had any serious problems. It's only when you are in a bad spot you'll start to realize exactly how bad this system is. A system that is purely driven by profit cannot be expected to always give good care, because good care is not always profitable. Chronic diseases or rare diseases costs tons of money to treat, something most insurance companies will do anything to not pay. Everyone should have the right to live a healthy and productive life no matter of social (or genetical) background, and this is simply not possible with a private insurance based system. I really hope things work out for you, best of luck! Edit: I always find it funny how many americans that are so sure that the waiting list in other countries are years and years . If this was the case, people would die in spades overseas awaiting operations. If this really is what people think of europe, australia and canada it is very very sad. And I'm sorry if your goverment sucks at running things, but that doesn't mean everyone else are. Although that's beside the point, goverments don't run hospitals, they just pay for them.
17 :
Well to do Europeans are flocking to the USA to get their health care needs met. It just saw this reported on the Nightly News. They say the quality and service in the US is better than anywhere else in the world. As with all tax based services, you have to come up with the money from somewhere. Americans do not like excessive taxes no matter where or what it goes for. There seems to be a huge misunderstanding in this because so many people want what they think is basically "free" services. Nothing is free. You have to pay for workers, services and facilities and that comes from the tax base whenever the government is involved. The cost of health care, like everything else, rises when it costs more to pay people, develop cutting edge technology and the cost of raw materials goes up. Wages, which pay taxes, are not inflating as fast as costs. Lets assume everyone has some problem, like you, that keeps them from working. Who pays the bill? I'm sure we would all like for someone else to pay our bill. ------------- You need to get more rounded info from multiple sources. One source will always lead you astray. I watched a recent news report on TV. Saw it with my own eyes and they interviewed the people on camera so I know what those people thought. The reason the story had any relevance at all is that these people were coming from a socialized "free" system to the US for treatment. The question was - Why? Answer was: Cheaper, faster service, superior quality of treatment. They had the money and they chose the best system. Those who did not have the money stayed home. What this says to me is that innovation occurs only when there is incentive. You take the money out of it and it becomes mediocre. Of course, there is always the chance for excess and that will have to be controlled. And remember this above all, there is NO perfect system in the world. You can read stories pro and con about all systems. I do not like the cost of our system by any means. But, I'm not so sure I want to give half my income year after year to the government for a service I might hardly use. I also do not like paying higher insurance costs for high risk houses in hurricane paths and uninsured drivers.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Did cost cutting contribute to heatwave deaths
Did cost cutting contribute to heatwave deaths?
France lost nearly 20,000 people in two heat waves. one in 1983 and nearly 15000 in 2003.… >>>In addition, the response was "strongly aggravated" by the seasonal reduction of doctors, nurses and in-service hospital beds.<<< First I find it interesting that there is a seasonal change in medical service. But more importantly 13 days after the start of the heat wave is when the government decided to call back doctors and staff from their vacations and open up closed facilities. You're a medical professional on vacation at the beach. You're aware of nearly two weeks of news reporting a large number of deaths. Yet you don't return to work. I am trying to think of a reason why this might be so. Is this a result of the government trying to cut costs by partially shutting down services. Individuals on vacation would not see the need to rush back as they understood that the wards they worked in would be closed and the support staff also on vacation.
Politics - 1 Answers
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1 :
Heat waves, not hurricanes or floods, are the most dangerous natural disaster for human life, because of the many people who die from heatstroke. But dying from heatstroke doesn't make for a spectacular TV news story like a tornado, do the news media downplays it. And since the victims are tend to be poor and alone, not enough people care.
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France lost nearly 20,000 people in two heat waves. one in 1983 and nearly 15000 in 2003.… >>>In addition, the response was "strongly aggravated" by the seasonal reduction of doctors, nurses and in-service hospital beds.<<< First I find it interesting that there is a seasonal change in medical service. But more importantly 13 days after the start of the heat wave is when the government decided to call back doctors and staff from their vacations and open up closed facilities. You're a medical professional on vacation at the beach. You're aware of nearly two weeks of news reporting a large number of deaths. Yet you don't return to work. I am trying to think of a reason why this might be so. Is this a result of the government trying to cut costs by partially shutting down services. Individuals on vacation would not see the need to rush back as they understood that the wards they worked in would be closed and the support staff also on vacation.
Politics - 1 Answers
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1 :
Heat waves, not hurricanes or floods, are the most dangerous natural disaster for human life, because of the many people who die from heatstroke. But dying from heatstroke doesn't make for a spectacular TV news story like a tornado, do the news media downplays it. And since the victims are tend to be poor and alone, not enough people care.
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Thursday, December 1, 2011
i need element symbol based on clue
i need element symbol based on clue?
Masculine pronoun Sound a horse makes 35 presidents Middle initial Fish' chips oprah;s magazine ENthalpy response to cold day average grade a nurse pressure me,myself, and entropy blank the world turns hamlet blank or not to blank deli sandwhich -boy spanish for yes 43 presidents middle initial jacks giant yelled this goood ,see you later cows favorite response when you dont win or lose volume a toddlers common question hershey, not me, it must be one of santas favoriute words aim speak for no problem a serious lung disease a fathers response to stinky diaper opposite of out cajun country afternoon let sleeping dogs cheering on the home team sound sheep makes strike out in baseball france a toddleers common response e.g. everest
Chemistry - 2 Answers
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1 :
Just send all your homework to and they will give you all the answers you deserve.
2 :
i don't get the question... are you asking for an element based on clue? probably arsenic, As.
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Masculine pronoun Sound a horse makes 35 presidents Middle initial Fish' chips oprah;s magazine ENthalpy response to cold day average grade a nurse pressure me,myself, and entropy blank the world turns hamlet blank or not to blank deli sandwhich -boy spanish for yes 43 presidents middle initial jacks giant yelled this goood ,see you later cows favorite response when you dont win or lose volume a toddlers common question hershey, not me, it must be one of santas favoriute words aim speak for no problem a serious lung disease a fathers response to stinky diaper opposite of out cajun country afternoon let sleeping dogs cheering on the home team sound sheep makes strike out in baseball france a toddleers common response e.g. everest
Chemistry - 2 Answers
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1 :
Just send all your homework to and they will give you all the answers you deserve.
2 :
i don't get the question... are you asking for an element based on clue? probably arsenic, As.
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Monday, November 28, 2011
How can I trace my orphaned grandmother born in the U.S. around 1899-1900, but no census info till 1920
How can I trace my orphaned grandmother born in the U.S. around 1899-1900, but no census info till 1920?
I know she was born at the turn of the century in Michigan, her eldest sister was born in France and came over with their parents as an infant. A brother and 2 more sisters were also born in Michigan, but there are no birth records for any of them that I can find. I've found what I do know through census records, but they do not seem to have existed prior to 1920 (the records I need were lost in the fire). All I know of the parents is their surname: Laurie. I believe they were in a Chicago area orphanage or boarding house of some kind, as the eldest daughter took them out one by one as she could afford to on her nurse's salary, and by the 1920 census they were all living with her in Chicago. I've exhausted's resources and keep coming back to that lost period before 1920. Does anyone have any ideas on how to research orphans' records? I never heard how the parents died, don't know their first names either, and of course everyone is gone now. Any help is extremely welcomed!! OMG-I almost fell off my chair just now when I saw your post! Yes you have the right children; Raymond was the youngest and the 1920 census lists him as born in MI. By then Annabelle had her own 2 sons (born in IL: Jack-4yrs/4mos. and Richard-3yrs/6mos.) and was already widowed. So I presumed they had all been in Chicago for some time by then. You're right--the 1890 census is not relevant--I got confused since I was trying to trace both of my grandparents at the same time. (They were living right next door to each other in 1920 and married soon after!) I could not find them for 1900 or 1910 in either state. Genevieve was the only one who died before I was born, but I don't know when because I can't find anything after 1930. I don't remember any talk of MI and didn't know that they were born there. And YES -- I completely forgot that part until you said it --I believe it WAS a Catholic orphanage! I remember my grandma referring to the "sisters." I am sooo excited to hear from you!! I don't know if this will help or not, but just in case - I noticed that the girls' names changed a bit over time: census 1920-Annabel; 1930-Annabelle; 1920-Genevieve; 1930-Jennie; (and I always heard her referred to as Jean); 1920-Katharine (my grandma); 1930-Katherine; and I always saw her use Catherine; and Raymond stayed the same. Hope you're still out there Wendy, coz I can't get past this brick wall! :) One more thing - I was thinking that since my grandma named her first son (my dad) Robert Laurie (Johnston), she may have named him after her father. I have unsuccessfully tried looking for Robert Laurie in the past though...
Genealogy - 2 Answers
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1 :
It is hard to do any research without knowing names.
2 :
if I have the right children.. no, the 1890 census is not relevant, since Annabelle was born 1891 and immigrated 1892. Brother Raymond seems to show up in the ssdi as born in Aug 1900 (which would still show 19 in 1920, since age is normally used AS OF 1 June). Thus, the parents were still alive as of that date (at least, mom was.. dad may have died between conception and birth). All children being born in Michigan.. the family should be there in 1900 but yes, I am having issues finding that census. Sisters Genevieve and Katherine SHOULD be findable in 1900. Were they Catholic? If yes, I am well aware of a orphanage in Chicago at that time frame, my mother was there. It was sT Hedwigs, I believe. Orphanages are usually enumerated just as any other place, but the name can be garbled. IF they were actually there in 1910..since you don't have exact date for death of the parents. This is, if you are CERTAIN the orphanage was in Chicago and not Michigan. Death records for any of the younger children MAY indicate their exact place of birth. Raymond registered for the ww1 draft, but it does not show his birth place. Genevieve's mom (poster, not your Genevieve) is expert in Michigan records, and if she picks up this trail, she may well find the key. It can take a few posts.. hang in with us..
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I know she was born at the turn of the century in Michigan, her eldest sister was born in France and came over with their parents as an infant. A brother and 2 more sisters were also born in Michigan, but there are no birth records for any of them that I can find. I've found what I do know through census records, but they do not seem to have existed prior to 1920 (the records I need were lost in the fire). All I know of the parents is their surname: Laurie. I believe they were in a Chicago area orphanage or boarding house of some kind, as the eldest daughter took them out one by one as she could afford to on her nurse's salary, and by the 1920 census they were all living with her in Chicago. I've exhausted's resources and keep coming back to that lost period before 1920. Does anyone have any ideas on how to research orphans' records? I never heard how the parents died, don't know their first names either, and of course everyone is gone now. Any help is extremely welcomed!! OMG-I almost fell off my chair just now when I saw your post! Yes you have the right children; Raymond was the youngest and the 1920 census lists him as born in MI. By then Annabelle had her own 2 sons (born in IL: Jack-4yrs/4mos. and Richard-3yrs/6mos.) and was already widowed. So I presumed they had all been in Chicago for some time by then. You're right--the 1890 census is not relevant--I got confused since I was trying to trace both of my grandparents at the same time. (They were living right next door to each other in 1920 and married soon after!) I could not find them for 1900 or 1910 in either state. Genevieve was the only one who died before I was born, but I don't know when because I can't find anything after 1930. I don't remember any talk of MI and didn't know that they were born there. And YES -- I completely forgot that part until you said it --I believe it WAS a Catholic orphanage! I remember my grandma referring to the "sisters." I am sooo excited to hear from you!! I don't know if this will help or not, but just in case - I noticed that the girls' names changed a bit over time: census 1920-Annabel; 1930-Annabelle; 1920-Genevieve; 1930-Jennie; (and I always heard her referred to as Jean); 1920-Katharine (my grandma); 1930-Katherine; and I always saw her use Catherine; and Raymond stayed the same. Hope you're still out there Wendy, coz I can't get past this brick wall! :) One more thing - I was thinking that since my grandma named her first son (my dad) Robert Laurie (Johnston), she may have named him after her father. I have unsuccessfully tried looking for Robert Laurie in the past though...
Genealogy - 2 Answers
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1 :
It is hard to do any research without knowing names.
2 :
if I have the right children.. no, the 1890 census is not relevant, since Annabelle was born 1891 and immigrated 1892. Brother Raymond seems to show up in the ssdi as born in Aug 1900 (which would still show 19 in 1920, since age is normally used AS OF 1 June). Thus, the parents were still alive as of that date (at least, mom was.. dad may have died between conception and birth). All children being born in Michigan.. the family should be there in 1900 but yes, I am having issues finding that census. Sisters Genevieve and Katherine SHOULD be findable in 1900. Were they Catholic? If yes, I am well aware of a orphanage in Chicago at that time frame, my mother was there. It was sT Hedwigs, I believe. Orphanages are usually enumerated just as any other place, but the name can be garbled. IF they were actually there in 1910..since you don't have exact date for death of the parents. This is, if you are CERTAIN the orphanage was in Chicago and not Michigan. Death records for any of the younger children MAY indicate their exact place of birth. Raymond registered for the ww1 draft, but it does not show his birth place. Genevieve's mom (poster, not your Genevieve) is expert in Michigan records, and if she picks up this trail, she may well find the key. It can take a few posts.. hang in with us..
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Monday, November 14, 2011
4 .1.2011 paris france ASSOCIATED PRESS Questions in Resolved Question: Why do unions in Ohio see SB5 as the death of unions? This law includes:? • Makes public employee strikes illegal. • Generally restricts the topics on which unions can bargain to wages. Police, firefighters, nurses and other public workers may still bargain for safety equipment. • Eliminates step raises or automatic raises based on years of experience and years of training. • Reduces seniority rights. For example, it would prohibit workers from being laid off solely because they are new. • Bans “fair share’’ fee charged by unions for bargaining-unit members who don’t join the union or pay dues but receive negotiated pay and benefits. • Eliminates automatic union deductions for political campaigns without employee’s written consent. Sources: Ohio Legislative Service Commission, Associated Press Open Question: Isn't it strange how two presidential approval polls released on the same day are 11 points apart? The Associated Press/GfK poll has Obama's approval: 53%, disapproval: 45% The Quinnipiac poll has Obama's approval: 42%, disapproval 48% Obama's approval ratings have held steady at around 50 percent over the past month. But the disconnect between negative perceptions of the economy and signs that a rebound are under way could provide an opening for Republicans at the outset of the 2012 campaign. Just 42 percent of those polled approve of the job Obama is doing, compared to 48 percent who disapprove, according to Quinnipiac. And in a bad sign for his upcoming 2012 re-election campaign, 50 percent of those polled say he doesn't deserve another term in the White House. Open Question: USA may DO DEVELOP/STRATEGIC CO_OPe MOST@BRINGING JAPAN@late GLORY BEFORE TSUNAMI/E QUA.@UPKEEP globAL ECONOMY? 3.30.2011 SUSSEX , UK NEWS RELEASE: ASSOCIATED PRESS Questions in Open Question: Is Obama plans for Implementing Policies that Grant Legal Status to Illegal Aliens without Approval of? Is Obama plans for Implementing Policies that Grant Legal Status to Illegal Aliens without Approval of Implementing Policies that Grant Legal Status to Illegal Aliens without Approval of Congress now on hold ? How will Mexico react to this latest set of delays ?WASHINGTON, March 29, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has filed two Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against the Obama Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to obtain records detailing the Obama administration's alleged plan to grant legal status to illegal aliens without going through Congress, a strategy commonly known as "stealth amnesty." Specifically, Judicial Watch is investigating an alleged plan by the Obama administration to suspend deportations of illegal aliens who are in the country unlawfully. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 11-604) and Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 11-606)). On July 2, 2010, Judicial Watch sent a FOIA request to DHS seeking the following information: "Any and all records of communications between the Department of Homeland Security and any of the following entities, concerning 'deferred action' or 'parole' to suspend removal proceedings against a particular individual or
Current Events - 1 Answers
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1 :
Sorry, but that is NOT a question. It's a series of extracts from news reports. Why not ask what's on your mind in twenty words or less. You are then much more likely to get helpful answers.
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4 .1.2011 paris france ASSOCIATED PRESS Questions in Resolved Question: Why do unions in Ohio see SB5 as the death of unions? This law includes:? • Makes public employee strikes illegal. • Generally restricts the topics on which unions can bargain to wages. Police, firefighters, nurses and other public workers may still bargain for safety equipment. • Eliminates step raises or automatic raises based on years of experience and years of training. • Reduces seniority rights. For example, it would prohibit workers from being laid off solely because they are new. • Bans “fair share’’ fee charged by unions for bargaining-unit members who don’t join the union or pay dues but receive negotiated pay and benefits. • Eliminates automatic union deductions for political campaigns without employee’s written consent. Sources: Ohio Legislative Service Commission, Associated Press Open Question: Isn't it strange how two presidential approval polls released on the same day are 11 points apart? The Associated Press/GfK poll has Obama's approval: 53%, disapproval: 45% The Quinnipiac poll has Obama's approval: 42%, disapproval 48% Obama's approval ratings have held steady at around 50 percent over the past month. But the disconnect between negative perceptions of the economy and signs that a rebound are under way could provide an opening for Republicans at the outset of the 2012 campaign. Just 42 percent of those polled approve of the job Obama is doing, compared to 48 percent who disapprove, according to Quinnipiac. And in a bad sign for his upcoming 2012 re-election campaign, 50 percent of those polled say he doesn't deserve another term in the White House. Open Question: USA may DO DEVELOP/STRATEGIC CO_OPe MOST@BRINGING JAPAN@late GLORY BEFORE TSUNAMI/E QUA.@UPKEEP globAL ECONOMY? 3.30.2011 SUSSEX , UK NEWS RELEASE: ASSOCIATED PRESS Questions in Open Question: Is Obama plans for Implementing Policies that Grant Legal Status to Illegal Aliens without Approval of? Is Obama plans for Implementing Policies that Grant Legal Status to Illegal Aliens without Approval of Implementing Policies that Grant Legal Status to Illegal Aliens without Approval of Congress now on hold ? How will Mexico react to this latest set of delays ?WASHINGTON, March 29, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has filed two Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against the Obama Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to obtain records detailing the Obama administration's alleged plan to grant legal status to illegal aliens without going through Congress, a strategy commonly known as "stealth amnesty." Specifically, Judicial Watch is investigating an alleged plan by the Obama administration to suspend deportations of illegal aliens who are in the country unlawfully. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 11-604) and Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 11-606)). On July 2, 2010, Judicial Watch sent a FOIA request to DHS seeking the following information: "Any and all records of communications between the Department of Homeland Security and any of the following entities, concerning 'deferred action' or 'parole' to suspend removal proceedings against a particular individual or
Current Events - 1 Answers
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1 :
Sorry, but that is NOT a question. It's a series of extracts from news reports. Why not ask what's on your mind in twenty words or less. You are then much more likely to get helpful answers.
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Monday, November 7, 2011
Travel Immunisations - Hepatitis A, Tetanus etc
Travel Immunisations - Hepatitis A, Tetanus etc?
Hello, my 16 year old son and I are going to Belgium, France and Turkey in April. The travel doctor website recommended we have injections for: Hepatitis A Tetanus Diphtheria Now I'm a bit confused because I'm not sure if tetanus injections are always combined with diphtheria and pertussis ... if they are, then I'm good to go on that front having cut my finger last year and getting a shot. In 2006 my son had a DTP at school and also a Hepatitis B injection - but only one. I thought Hepatitis B was something you had several shots of? Lastly, does the Hepatitis B immunisation cover Hepatitis A or are they completely separate? Just trying to work out which injections each of us needs. Thanks in advance to anyone who can clear this up for me. I rang our local nurse who was not much help at all but suggested we might like to consider another MMR and flu shot ... aaargh - so confused!
Infectious Diseases - 4 Answers
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1 :
Here's what the Centers for Disease Control recommends - see the 3 links below. Hope you have a wonderful trip.
2 :
DTPa (attenuated) is usually how the tetanus shot is given, but it's best to check his immunisation record. I think you need a couple of booster shots if that was the first dose of tetanus he had, but check with a GP to be sure. Hepatitis B is a three-shot course: First day, one month and 6 months. He needs at least one more shot before you go, as his immunity will have declined substantially in the 5 years since he had his first shot. Hepatitis A is separate virus, and needs a separate vaccination, however I believe the current schedule is that you only need one shot of Hep A. That said, extra shots won't do you any harm. Hep A and B are available in a combined vaccine called Twinrix in Australia, so you only need one needle instead of two. If he hasn't had MMR for a while it's probably best to get a shot. My immunity to rubella had dramatically declined as an adult, despite 2 childhood MMR shots and another one a few years before the blood test. So that can be another one you might want to consider - though there aren't going to be those diseases in the community in the countries you're going to - they're pretty advanced - so the risk will be minimal. The travel doctor will be best able to advise you.
3 :
Hepatitis A & B are two separate vaccines. The Hepatitis A vaccine is given in two doses and the Hepatitis B is given in three doses. There is also a combination vaccine for both Hepatitis A & B which is given in three doses. If your son had only one Hepatitis B shot, he can continue where he left off and get the two additional vaccinations. Children get five doses of DTaP (Diptheria/Tetanus/acellular Pertussis) from age 2 months through age 4-6 years. Afterwards they receive the Td vaccination (just the Tetanus/Diptheria) every ten years through out life. Recently a new vaccine, the Tdap, was developed and recomended for adolescents and adults as a one time booster instead of the normal Td vaccination to boost the immunity to Pertussis. If you or your son have not had the Tdap, it would be wise to get it. The vaccine you received in the hospital was most likely just the Td, not the Tdap. It is recomended that everyone receive two doses of the MMR vaccine. Normally children get dose one at 12-15 months old and the second at 4-6 years. If either one of you has not had the second dose, it would be wise to get one. The flu vaccine is also a good idea. This years flu vaccine has the H1N1 included.
4 :
Hepatitis A and B are separate vaccines, unless you get the combination vaccine, Twinrix. If your son got one hepatitis B shot, he might be able to get the other 2 before you leave, depending on when in April you are going. The second and third shots must be at least 8 weeks apart, as long as the first and third are at least 16 weeks apart. Hepatitis A vaccine is given in 2 shots at least 6 months apart, but there is good protection, at least for the short term, after the first dose. You may very well have had the Tdap vaccine when you cut your finger. Either that or a Td; both contain tetanus toxoid and diphtheria. Tetanus toxoid may be given by itself but usually is not unless you said you could not take diphtheria vaccine. Your son would have had the Tdap (the DTP or DTaP are used in children under 7). Both are good against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis, just in different doses.
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Hello, my 16 year old son and I are going to Belgium, France and Turkey in April. The travel doctor website recommended we have injections for: Hepatitis A Tetanus Diphtheria Now I'm a bit confused because I'm not sure if tetanus injections are always combined with diphtheria and pertussis ... if they are, then I'm good to go on that front having cut my finger last year and getting a shot. In 2006 my son had a DTP at school and also a Hepatitis B injection - but only one. I thought Hepatitis B was something you had several shots of? Lastly, does the Hepatitis B immunisation cover Hepatitis A or are they completely separate? Just trying to work out which injections each of us needs. Thanks in advance to anyone who can clear this up for me. I rang our local nurse who was not much help at all but suggested we might like to consider another MMR and flu shot ... aaargh - so confused!
Infectious Diseases - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Here's what the Centers for Disease Control recommends - see the 3 links below. Hope you have a wonderful trip.
2 :
DTPa (attenuated) is usually how the tetanus shot is given, but it's best to check his immunisation record. I think you need a couple of booster shots if that was the first dose of tetanus he had, but check with a GP to be sure. Hepatitis B is a three-shot course: First day, one month and 6 months. He needs at least one more shot before you go, as his immunity will have declined substantially in the 5 years since he had his first shot. Hepatitis A is separate virus, and needs a separate vaccination, however I believe the current schedule is that you only need one shot of Hep A. That said, extra shots won't do you any harm. Hep A and B are available in a combined vaccine called Twinrix in Australia, so you only need one needle instead of two. If he hasn't had MMR for a while it's probably best to get a shot. My immunity to rubella had dramatically declined as an adult, despite 2 childhood MMR shots and another one a few years before the blood test. So that can be another one you might want to consider - though there aren't going to be those diseases in the community in the countries you're going to - they're pretty advanced - so the risk will be minimal. The travel doctor will be best able to advise you.
3 :
Hepatitis A & B are two separate vaccines. The Hepatitis A vaccine is given in two doses and the Hepatitis B is given in three doses. There is also a combination vaccine for both Hepatitis A & B which is given in three doses. If your son had only one Hepatitis B shot, he can continue where he left off and get the two additional vaccinations. Children get five doses of DTaP (Diptheria/Tetanus/acellular Pertussis) from age 2 months through age 4-6 years. Afterwards they receive the Td vaccination (just the Tetanus/Diptheria) every ten years through out life. Recently a new vaccine, the Tdap, was developed and recomended for adolescents and adults as a one time booster instead of the normal Td vaccination to boost the immunity to Pertussis. If you or your son have not had the Tdap, it would be wise to get it. The vaccine you received in the hospital was most likely just the Td, not the Tdap. It is recomended that everyone receive two doses of the MMR vaccine. Normally children get dose one at 12-15 months old and the second at 4-6 years. If either one of you has not had the second dose, it would be wise to get one. The flu vaccine is also a good idea. This years flu vaccine has the H1N1 included.
4 :
Hepatitis A and B are separate vaccines, unless you get the combination vaccine, Twinrix. If your son got one hepatitis B shot, he might be able to get the other 2 before you leave, depending on when in April you are going. The second and third shots must be at least 8 weeks apart, as long as the first and third are at least 16 weeks apart. Hepatitis A vaccine is given in 2 shots at least 6 months apart, but there is good protection, at least for the short term, after the first dose. You may very well have had the Tdap vaccine when you cut your finger. Either that or a Td; both contain tetanus toxoid and diphtheria. Tetanus toxoid may be given by itself but usually is not unless you said you could not take diphtheria vaccine. Your son would have had the Tdap (the DTP or DTaP are used in children under 7). Both are good against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis, just in different doses.
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Do you think I'm being ungrateful? Is it wrong to feel this way
Do you think I'm being ungrateful? Is it wrong to feel this way?
I'm in my senior year of high school and even though it's just the beginning, there is already a lot of stuff coming up that is going to cost major money. I have three older siblings who are now in there mid to late twenties and no longer live at home. My family would be considered middle class. My stepfather is one of the bigger managers at a grocery store (I don't know what his "official title" is) and my mom works part time as a nurse. I don't ask for a lot of stuff. I usually feel really uncomfortable asking for things, I'm not really sure why. At my school there are a whole bunch of graduation trips. One of them is to Paris, France another to somewhere in Switzerland. The one I really want to go to is to New York. It's for four days and you get to go see two Broadway shows and go to all the museums, and other tourist stuff. It's going to be around $600-700, plus lunch money for each day and spending money. My parents say I probably can't go because it is expensive. I understand it is a lot of money, but I feel really... I don't know what the word is. It's just all of my brothers and sisters got to go on graduation trips (my sister went to Nunavut, and I can't remember where my brothers went) and that was back when my Mom was a single mother. I'm trying to get a job to pay for it myself, but everywhere I apply isn't hiring or has already filled the position, etc. Another thing is I can't go to university I want to go to, not because it's a fancy, prestigious, expensive university, but because it isn't in my home town and therefore my parents won't have enough money. But, they paid for most of my sister and one of brothers tuition, and both of them constantly switched programs (which added costs) and my brother ended up dropping out and my sister took a break because she got pregnant (she's married, don't worry). They also paid all the fees for university applications three or four times for my other brother, and he ended up not going and getting addicted to drugs. I feel like it's wrong for me to feel this way, but at the same time, I just feel like all my brothers and sisters were given tons of opportunities to go the universities they wanted and the trips and stuff and I'm not. I know things are really expensive (otherwise I'd just pay for them myself) and costs have gone up, times are harder, my parents have other things the need to pay for, etc, etc. And that really I should contribute (I try, but I don't really have any money, because I can't get a job) and that I'm lucky to even have the chance to go to university... I'm just, I don't know. I feel gipped, kind of :S (Sorry this is so long, I ramble)
Family - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If they gave your bros and sis all that help and you usually don't ask for much, they should allow you to go. I hope you can go, I love NYC.
2 :
Two big questions - one about a senior trip to NYC and another about university costs. Keep in mind that the world wide economy is now terrible compared to just a few years ago when your siblings were your age. Reports about the economy are in the news on a daily basis so you are probably aware of how bad it is. This has nothing to do with your mom and stepdad wanting or not wanting to send you someplace, it's a financial reality. Is your biological father available to help? If so, ask him for some assistance - maybe matching funds if you earn part of the money for the trip. Jobs are not plentiful right now. Most jobs that were historically held by teens (fast food, part time shop work) have now been taken by adults who are supporting their families. Still, it doesn't mean jobs are not available. Get creative. You can do the standby babysitting work - even a regular after school or Saturday sitting job for someone in the neighborhood. It could mean sacrificing some social activity but at least you would have the job and income. Walk dogs, have a yard sale, paint or do yard work for your neighbors. Do computer input for people who are less savvy - including correspondence or accounting - QuickBooks Accounting is an easy program. A few hours of data input a day in a small office would help you as well as the business owner. It would also give you another job skill. As far as university expenses, financial assistance, scholarships and grants are available and not just based on your academic background. Check out CLEP, the College Level Examination Program. Talk to your high school adviser about the program or look on line. It will save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in tuition and book expenses and it will save you many class room hours because you can test out of electives. I tested out of 15 hours and my brother tested out of 27 hours. That was equivalent to a semester for me and almost two for my brother. That is also a lot of saved tuition. Think hard about attending a junior or community college for the first two years. In the U.S. most JCs work closely with state universities to transfer all credits to a four year program. You could live at home, work, attend school and sock away some money for the last two and most important years of your degree program. You will also have a better understanding of where you want your life to go. Don't discount the military either. Depending on your country, you may be able to have the government pay for your education, in full, in exchange for your service. Most of all, talk to your siblings, parents and stepdad. They may have untapped information to share. Good luck.
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I'm in my senior year of high school and even though it's just the beginning, there is already a lot of stuff coming up that is going to cost major money. I have three older siblings who are now in there mid to late twenties and no longer live at home. My family would be considered middle class. My stepfather is one of the bigger managers at a grocery store (I don't know what his "official title" is) and my mom works part time as a nurse. I don't ask for a lot of stuff. I usually feel really uncomfortable asking for things, I'm not really sure why. At my school there are a whole bunch of graduation trips. One of them is to Paris, France another to somewhere in Switzerland. The one I really want to go to is to New York. It's for four days and you get to go see two Broadway shows and go to all the museums, and other tourist stuff. It's going to be around $600-700, plus lunch money for each day and spending money. My parents say I probably can't go because it is expensive. I understand it is a lot of money, but I feel really... I don't know what the word is. It's just all of my brothers and sisters got to go on graduation trips (my sister went to Nunavut, and I can't remember where my brothers went) and that was back when my Mom was a single mother. I'm trying to get a job to pay for it myself, but everywhere I apply isn't hiring or has already filled the position, etc. Another thing is I can't go to university I want to go to, not because it's a fancy, prestigious, expensive university, but because it isn't in my home town and therefore my parents won't have enough money. But, they paid for most of my sister and one of brothers tuition, and both of them constantly switched programs (which added costs) and my brother ended up dropping out and my sister took a break because she got pregnant (she's married, don't worry). They also paid all the fees for university applications three or four times for my other brother, and he ended up not going and getting addicted to drugs. I feel like it's wrong for me to feel this way, but at the same time, I just feel like all my brothers and sisters were given tons of opportunities to go the universities they wanted and the trips and stuff and I'm not. I know things are really expensive (otherwise I'd just pay for them myself) and costs have gone up, times are harder, my parents have other things the need to pay for, etc, etc. And that really I should contribute (I try, but I don't really have any money, because I can't get a job) and that I'm lucky to even have the chance to go to university... I'm just, I don't know. I feel gipped, kind of :S (Sorry this is so long, I ramble)
Family - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If they gave your bros and sis all that help and you usually don't ask for much, they should allow you to go. I hope you can go, I love NYC.
2 :
Two big questions - one about a senior trip to NYC and another about university costs. Keep in mind that the world wide economy is now terrible compared to just a few years ago when your siblings were your age. Reports about the economy are in the news on a daily basis so you are probably aware of how bad it is. This has nothing to do with your mom and stepdad wanting or not wanting to send you someplace, it's a financial reality. Is your biological father available to help? If so, ask him for some assistance - maybe matching funds if you earn part of the money for the trip. Jobs are not plentiful right now. Most jobs that were historically held by teens (fast food, part time shop work) have now been taken by adults who are supporting their families. Still, it doesn't mean jobs are not available. Get creative. You can do the standby babysitting work - even a regular after school or Saturday sitting job for someone in the neighborhood. It could mean sacrificing some social activity but at least you would have the job and income. Walk dogs, have a yard sale, paint or do yard work for your neighbors. Do computer input for people who are less savvy - including correspondence or accounting - QuickBooks Accounting is an easy program. A few hours of data input a day in a small office would help you as well as the business owner. It would also give you another job skill. As far as university expenses, financial assistance, scholarships and grants are available and not just based on your academic background. Check out CLEP, the College Level Examination Program. Talk to your high school adviser about the program or look on line. It will save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in tuition and book expenses and it will save you many class room hours because you can test out of electives. I tested out of 15 hours and my brother tested out of 27 hours. That was equivalent to a semester for me and almost two for my brother. That is also a lot of saved tuition. Think hard about attending a junior or community college for the first two years. In the U.S. most JCs work closely with state universities to transfer all credits to a four year program. You could live at home, work, attend school and sock away some money for the last two and most important years of your degree program. You will also have a better understanding of where you want your life to go. Don't discount the military either. Depending on your country, you may be able to have the government pay for your education, in full, in exchange for your service. Most of all, talk to your siblings, parents and stepdad. They may have untapped information to share. Good luck.
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Friday, October 28, 2011
Awesome Poll of Randomness 2
Awesome Poll of Randomness 2!!!!!?
What would you do if: a monkey ate the last cookie? you won a million dollars? you found out Miley Cyrus got hit by a bus? ate something from a foregin country that just happens to add 20 pounds to your weight instantly? went to egypt and found a pricless artifact? Would you rather: Eat ice cream, pie, or both? buy a mansion, or a sports car? go to england or france? have a pet fish or a pet lizard? have your lifes accomplishment as solving a rubix cube or eating a gigantic cheeseburger? Give blood or give money? be a doctor or a nurse? drink dirty water or dr. pepper with milk in it? marry someone rich with no personality, or someone poor who has the greatest personality in the world? be totally random with your best friend or making out with your bf/gf? have ice water dumped over your head, or 3 pies thrown in your face? get dunked in a pool or hit in the head with a beach ball? What is: the best way to get revenge on someone who you hate with a passion?
Polls & Surveys - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
What would you do if: a monkey ate the last cookie? go and buy another one you won a million dollars? $hopp1ngggg you found out Miley Cyrus got hit by a bus? hip hip hooray ate something from a foregin country that just happens to add 20 pounds to your weight instantly? FML went to egypt and found a pricless artifact? sell that immediately Would you rather: Eat ice cream, pie, or both? ice cream hands down buy a mansion, or a sports car? sports car go to england or france? France have a pet fish or a pet lizard? pet fishy have your lifes accomplishment as solving a rubix cube or eating a gigantic cheeseburger? rubix cube haha Give blood or give money? give blood be a doctor or a nurse? doctor drink dirty water or dr. pepper with milk in it? dirty water marry someone rich with no personality, or someone poor who has the greatest personality in the world? I guess poor be totally random with your best friend or making out with your bf/gf? make ouuut have ice water dumped over your head, or 3 pies thrown in your face? ice water get dunked in a pool or hit in the head with a beach ball? beach ball What is: the best way to get revenge on someone who you hate with a passion? do it mischeviously
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What would you do if: a monkey ate the last cookie? you won a million dollars? you found out Miley Cyrus got hit by a bus? ate something from a foregin country that just happens to add 20 pounds to your weight instantly? went to egypt and found a pricless artifact? Would you rather: Eat ice cream, pie, or both? buy a mansion, or a sports car? go to england or france? have a pet fish or a pet lizard? have your lifes accomplishment as solving a rubix cube or eating a gigantic cheeseburger? Give blood or give money? be a doctor or a nurse? drink dirty water or dr. pepper with milk in it? marry someone rich with no personality, or someone poor who has the greatest personality in the world? be totally random with your best friend or making out with your bf/gf? have ice water dumped over your head, or 3 pies thrown in your face? get dunked in a pool or hit in the head with a beach ball? What is: the best way to get revenge on someone who you hate with a passion?
Polls & Surveys - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
What would you do if: a monkey ate the last cookie? go and buy another one you won a million dollars? $hopp1ngggg you found out Miley Cyrus got hit by a bus? hip hip hooray ate something from a foregin country that just happens to add 20 pounds to your weight instantly? FML went to egypt and found a pricless artifact? sell that immediately Would you rather: Eat ice cream, pie, or both? ice cream hands down buy a mansion, or a sports car? sports car go to england or france? France have a pet fish or a pet lizard? pet fishy have your lifes accomplishment as solving a rubix cube or eating a gigantic cheeseburger? rubix cube haha Give blood or give money? give blood be a doctor or a nurse? doctor drink dirty water or dr. pepper with milk in it? dirty water marry someone rich with no personality, or someone poor who has the greatest personality in the world? I guess poor be totally random with your best friend or making out with your bf/gf? make ouuut have ice water dumped over your head, or 3 pies thrown in your face? ice water get dunked in a pool or hit in the head with a beach ball? beach ball What is: the best way to get revenge on someone who you hate with a passion? do it mischeviously
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Friday, October 14, 2011
Please help as soon as possible
Please help as soon as possible?
1. The following animals are most commonly seen on a whale watching trip in the Bay of Fundy, except: Puffins Right Whales Nurse Sharks Basking sharks 2. What causes the abundance of available food in the Bay of Fundy? high numbers of fishermen high numbers of whales high numbers of people upwellings 3. Why is the Bay of Fundy such a great place for migrating shorebirds? large numbers of mud shrimp large numbers of crabs no people to bother them plenty of areas to nest 4. The cultural heritage of the New Brunswick area of Canada is traced back to what country? France England Germany Spain
Trying to Conceive - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
all of the above
2 :
I think you asked this in the wrong section.
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1. The following animals are most commonly seen on a whale watching trip in the Bay of Fundy, except: Puffins Right Whales Nurse Sharks Basking sharks 2. What causes the abundance of available food in the Bay of Fundy? high numbers of fishermen high numbers of whales high numbers of people upwellings 3. Why is the Bay of Fundy such a great place for migrating shorebirds? large numbers of mud shrimp large numbers of crabs no people to bother them plenty of areas to nest 4. The cultural heritage of the New Brunswick area of Canada is traced back to what country? France England Germany Spain
Trying to Conceive - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
all of the above
2 :
I think you asked this in the wrong section.
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Friday, October 7, 2011
Is Spain safe for me? I am worried
Is Spain safe for me? I am worried?
Hi, my name is Magdalena and I am a Colombian girl, I work as a registered nurse in the US and here I met my boyfriend who is English. He owns an apartment in Spain in a city called Valencia so he is asking me to go with him for some months. I have been in Europe before but only to London, Belgium, Holland and France....... people in those countries are quite normal, meaning not racist or very angry but supposedly from what I saw on tv in Spain they kick foreigners in the face and spit on them and is absolutely ok by their cultural standards. sorry to generalize but I heard in Spain people are quite racist and rude so I am hesitant about going there as I am not like a blonde haired blue eyed european (from my understanding they only like u if ur like german or swedish or stuff like that) I really dont wanna go spend my money in a place where I'll be mistreated..... my boyfriend claim I'll be ok, but I dont know.... I wanna hear less biased opinions.
Other - Spain - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Hi!... I'm mexican, and this year I'll visit to Spain, that will my second visit. I've had heard the same, and before I visit the country I was worry as u are now, but, besides accidents can happen, normaly, spanish people is nice. Of course they tent to think ALL LATINAMERICANS we are possible illegal inmigrants, I have heard mexicans were not considered on this categorie, but in several times I was taken as southamerican (everyone who knows the continent knows that Mexico is not southamerica), and since this condition, I can tell u that I was very well treated. My best friend lives in Córdoba, She's doing P.H.D. studies and she has not complains. My best wishes for your holidays with your boyfriend, btw, mine is spanish
2 :
Oh, we're not racists!!! Yes, there are racist Spaniards of course. But there are racist latin Americans as well!!! We just have an inmigration problem (too many inmigrants and little control) so, the situation is a little uncontrolled, and most Spaniards tend to think that a lot of latin Americans are possible illegal aliens as someone has said on the previous answer. But we share a lot of cultural similarities with latin America, so we're like brothers and sisters!!! Average Spaniards are friendly and polite, it doesn't mean you can't find rude Spaniards, but as you've said, it is a generalization, so it is unfair for us. There are good and bad people just like in every country. Don't worry and enjoy Spain. To kick someboy's face or spit in someone is not OK by our cultural standards, and they musn't be on any nation's standards!. That's truly rude!!! PD: Valencia is the third largest city in Spain, and has everything so I hope you like it!!
3 :
Okay, I have blonde hair, green eyes, fair skin, and a decidedly American accent. NEVER NEVER NEVER experienced, heard of nor seen ANYTHING like what you describe. First of all, you are Spanish speaking, and will surely be quite welcome there. I have ONLY had good experiences in Spain...people wonderful, warm, loving, generous, caring. I have NO IDEA where you got this idea. Now, thirty - thirty five years ago, I was told it was accepted to spit on the gypsies...I never saw it happen. (and, to be honest, they aren't sitting with their hands out anymore, least they now have SOME semblance of working for a living.) There is SOME prejudice and looking down on the shiftless and the illegals (they have just as much of a problem as we have here, in the US), except their problems is with the Africans who cross at Tarifa looking for work. Most of these guys wind up selling stuff on the beaches and at the restaurants' sidewalk and terrace seating. Some live by sleeping on trains without paying for tickets. There are indigents everywhere. What you talk about is a problem with the expats who live near Málaga, where there may be some ill-will, but I cannot believe that the behavior you describe is accepted anywhere in Spain. You won't be mistreated. I doubt very much that there are ANY such problems in Valencia. They are very modern and industrialized in Spain, and you are more likely to run into prejudice in France and Germany than in Spain. (particularly violence). Such things are terribly frowned upon. Besides, Valencia has just opened this huge, modern science city, held the Yachting race last year, and trying to hold their own as an up and coming toiurist center, and they are going to be very aggressive about protecting the tourists who are visiting such sites. I really wonder what report you saw? Kicking someone, for any reason, would be considered assault, and a jailable offense. No. Spaniards are very welcoming, and you should feel very much at home there. You might even find a few fellow Colombianos working there. I met one in the bar I hung out in in Madrid last year.
4 :
Spain is a country that has accepted foreigners of all kinds, colours and creeds for decades. There are people here from half of the world and most get along well with everyone else! I myself am north american/ french (mitad-mitad) and I married a spaniard 36 years ago... I've been here ever since. My daughters godmother is from Peru, she married a spaniard and has lived in Valencia for the last 30 odd years... sin problema... The racist problems are in the parts of the country (mostly Madrid & Barcelona) where latinamerican immigrants kids have formed the Bandas Callejeras similar to those in the USA like the "Latin Kings". So far they are not too bad, but every time they do something outrageous, it evidently gets in the daily news... And the spanish groups of skinheads that go after them are no better. But on general terms, Spain is no more dangerous than any other country in the western world, and actually it is probably safer than many! No te preocupes...y disfruta de tu viaje a España!!! Es un pais genial!!! PS... Valencia is a lovely city there are plenty of great things to visit. The Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, the beaches, the port area... Plenty of things to do and see if you come to Spain on vacation!
5 :
"in Spain they kick foreigners in the face and spit on them and is absolutely ok by their cultural standards" that shows how much u know about our "cultural standars" es injusto decir que todos los españoles somos racistas, seria como decir que todos los colombianos son traficantes de droga, los alemanes borrachos etc seguro que tienes más posibilidades de que te escupan, te den una patada en la cara o te peguen un tiro en US que en españa
6 :
All I have to say live in the US, a country that is filled with immigration and racists. And I know this because I live in LA. I am surrounded by immigrants and I'm also surrounded by people who absolutely hate them! Spain is my country, I lived there for 16 years of live and it is a great country to be at. Great culture and amazing people. If you start comparing Spain and the US, you'll be way better off in Spain.
7 :
Being African American and Spanish I've had absolutely no problem in Spain I have family who lives in Sevilla and go to visit them every year. Trust me people in Spain are really nice and i will guarantee that you will have a great time.
8 :
Well, is not exactly like that but you have to get used to the way they look at you just for the color of your skin..
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Hi, my name is Magdalena and I am a Colombian girl, I work as a registered nurse in the US and here I met my boyfriend who is English. He owns an apartment in Spain in a city called Valencia so he is asking me to go with him for some months. I have been in Europe before but only to London, Belgium, Holland and France....... people in those countries are quite normal, meaning not racist or very angry but supposedly from what I saw on tv in Spain they kick foreigners in the face and spit on them and is absolutely ok by their cultural standards. sorry to generalize but I heard in Spain people are quite racist and rude so I am hesitant about going there as I am not like a blonde haired blue eyed european (from my understanding they only like u if ur like german or swedish or stuff like that) I really dont wanna go spend my money in a place where I'll be mistreated..... my boyfriend claim I'll be ok, but I dont know.... I wanna hear less biased opinions.
Other - Spain - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Hi!... I'm mexican, and this year I'll visit to Spain, that will my second visit. I've had heard the same, and before I visit the country I was worry as u are now, but, besides accidents can happen, normaly, spanish people is nice. Of course they tent to think ALL LATINAMERICANS we are possible illegal inmigrants, I have heard mexicans were not considered on this categorie, but in several times I was taken as southamerican (everyone who knows the continent knows that Mexico is not southamerica), and since this condition, I can tell u that I was very well treated. My best friend lives in Córdoba, She's doing P.H.D. studies and she has not complains. My best wishes for your holidays with your boyfriend, btw, mine is spanish
2 :
Oh, we're not racists!!! Yes, there are racist Spaniards of course. But there are racist latin Americans as well!!! We just have an inmigration problem (too many inmigrants and little control) so, the situation is a little uncontrolled, and most Spaniards tend to think that a lot of latin Americans are possible illegal aliens as someone has said on the previous answer. But we share a lot of cultural similarities with latin America, so we're like brothers and sisters!!! Average Spaniards are friendly and polite, it doesn't mean you can't find rude Spaniards, but as you've said, it is a generalization, so it is unfair for us. There are good and bad people just like in every country. Don't worry and enjoy Spain. To kick someboy's face or spit in someone is not OK by our cultural standards, and they musn't be on any nation's standards!. That's truly rude!!! PD: Valencia is the third largest city in Spain, and has everything so I hope you like it!!
3 :
Okay, I have blonde hair, green eyes, fair skin, and a decidedly American accent. NEVER NEVER NEVER experienced, heard of nor seen ANYTHING like what you describe. First of all, you are Spanish speaking, and will surely be quite welcome there. I have ONLY had good experiences in Spain...people wonderful, warm, loving, generous, caring. I have NO IDEA where you got this idea. Now, thirty - thirty five years ago, I was told it was accepted to spit on the gypsies...I never saw it happen. (and, to be honest, they aren't sitting with their hands out anymore, least they now have SOME semblance of working for a living.) There is SOME prejudice and looking down on the shiftless and the illegals (they have just as much of a problem as we have here, in the US), except their problems is with the Africans who cross at Tarifa looking for work. Most of these guys wind up selling stuff on the beaches and at the restaurants' sidewalk and terrace seating. Some live by sleeping on trains without paying for tickets. There are indigents everywhere. What you talk about is a problem with the expats who live near Málaga, where there may be some ill-will, but I cannot believe that the behavior you describe is accepted anywhere in Spain. You won't be mistreated. I doubt very much that there are ANY such problems in Valencia. They are very modern and industrialized in Spain, and you are more likely to run into prejudice in France and Germany than in Spain. (particularly violence). Such things are terribly frowned upon. Besides, Valencia has just opened this huge, modern science city, held the Yachting race last year, and trying to hold their own as an up and coming toiurist center, and they are going to be very aggressive about protecting the tourists who are visiting such sites. I really wonder what report you saw? Kicking someone, for any reason, would be considered assault, and a jailable offense. No. Spaniards are very welcoming, and you should feel very much at home there. You might even find a few fellow Colombianos working there. I met one in the bar I hung out in in Madrid last year.
4 :
Spain is a country that has accepted foreigners of all kinds, colours and creeds for decades. There are people here from half of the world and most get along well with everyone else! I myself am north american/ french (mitad-mitad) and I married a spaniard 36 years ago... I've been here ever since. My daughters godmother is from Peru, she married a spaniard and has lived in Valencia for the last 30 odd years... sin problema... The racist problems are in the parts of the country (mostly Madrid & Barcelona) where latinamerican immigrants kids have formed the Bandas Callejeras similar to those in the USA like the "Latin Kings". So far they are not too bad, but every time they do something outrageous, it evidently gets in the daily news... And the spanish groups of skinheads that go after them are no better. But on general terms, Spain is no more dangerous than any other country in the western world, and actually it is probably safer than many! No te preocupes...y disfruta de tu viaje a España!!! Es un pais genial!!! PS... Valencia is a lovely city there are plenty of great things to visit. The Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, the beaches, the port area... Plenty of things to do and see if you come to Spain on vacation!
5 :
"in Spain they kick foreigners in the face and spit on them and is absolutely ok by their cultural standards" that shows how much u know about our "cultural standars" es injusto decir que todos los españoles somos racistas, seria como decir que todos los colombianos son traficantes de droga, los alemanes borrachos etc seguro que tienes más posibilidades de que te escupan, te den una patada en la cara o te peguen un tiro en US que en españa
6 :
All I have to say live in the US, a country that is filled with immigration and racists. And I know this because I live in LA. I am surrounded by immigrants and I'm also surrounded by people who absolutely hate them! Spain is my country, I lived there for 16 years of live and it is a great country to be at. Great culture and amazing people. If you start comparing Spain and the US, you'll be way better off in Spain.
7 :
Being African American and Spanish I've had absolutely no problem in Spain I have family who lives in Sevilla and go to visit them every year. Trust me people in Spain are really nice and i will guarantee that you will have a great time.
8 :
Well, is not exactly like that but you have to get used to the way they look at you just for the color of your skin..
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Saturday, October 1, 2011
No pun intended here
No pun intended here?
1. The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi. 2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian. 3. She was only a whisky maker, but he loved her still. 4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class because it was a weapon of math disruption. 5. The butcher backed into the meat grinder and got a little behind in his work. 6. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery. 7. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering. 8. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart. 9. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie. 10. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. 11. A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it. 12. Atheism is a non-prophet organization. 13. Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other, 'You stay here, I'll go on a head.' 14. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me. 15. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: 'Keep off the Grass.' 16. A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse said, 'No change yet.' 17. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion. 18. It's not that the man did not know how to juggle, he just didn't have the balls to do it. 19. The short fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large. 20. The man who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran. 21. A backward poet writes inverse. 22. In democracy it's your vote that counts. In feudalism it's your count that votes. 23. When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion. But they didn't eat clowns because they tasted funny. 24. Don't join dangerous cults: Practice safe sects
Jokes & Riddles - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
haha i don't get the question but these are pretty funny (:
2 :
i thought it was great...
3 :
I think there was every pun intended - they're all funny, though!! ROTFL!!!
4 :
i like... 5, 7, 11, 12, 14,15,18,19, 24 they were funniest :D
5 :
really? I'd say, this is only about puns... and some are not even bad :-))
6 :
7 :
h ha hah haha hahah hahaha hahahah hahahaha hahahahah hahahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahaha hahahahahahah hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahah hahahahahahahaha h ha hah haha hahah hahaha hahahah hahahaha hahahahah hahahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahaha hahahahahahah hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahah hahahahahahahaha
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1. The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi. 2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian. 3. She was only a whisky maker, but he loved her still. 4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class because it was a weapon of math disruption. 5. The butcher backed into the meat grinder and got a little behind in his work. 6. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery. 7. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering. 8. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart. 9. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie. 10. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. 11. A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it. 12. Atheism is a non-prophet organization. 13. Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other, 'You stay here, I'll go on a head.' 14. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me. 15. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: 'Keep off the Grass.' 16. A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse said, 'No change yet.' 17. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion. 18. It's not that the man did not know how to juggle, he just didn't have the balls to do it. 19. The short fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large. 20. The man who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran. 21. A backward poet writes inverse. 22. In democracy it's your vote that counts. In feudalism it's your count that votes. 23. When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion. But they didn't eat clowns because they tasted funny. 24. Don't join dangerous cults: Practice safe sects
Jokes & Riddles - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
haha i don't get the question but these are pretty funny (:
2 :
i thought it was great...
3 :
I think there was every pun intended - they're all funny, though!! ROTFL!!!
4 :
i like... 5, 7, 11, 12, 14,15,18,19, 24 they were funniest :D
5 :
really? I'd say, this is only about puns... and some are not even bad :-))
6 :
7 :
h ha hah haha hahah hahaha hahahah hahahaha hahahahah hahahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahaha hahahahahahah hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahah hahahahahahahaha h ha hah haha hahah hahaha hahahah hahahaha hahahahah hahahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahaha hahahahahahah hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahah hahahahahahahaha
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Woman buries 8 dead bodies of babies in her garden
Woman buries 8 dead bodies of babies in her garden.?
It happened in France yesterday, some people who had bought a new house found 2 skeletons buried in the garden, and six others in the garage. Turns out the previous owner of the house, a nurse of 45 years old, lied and hid 8 pregnancies to her husband. She gave birth to the babies at home and then stifled and buried them. Supposedly, her husband never noticed she was pregnant because she is overweight. What do you think of this story? Did anything like that ever happened in America/other countries? @alyssa'smommy i don't know why you think i would lie about this..?
Parenting - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
not that i know of
2 :
I recall a story a while back about a woman who was in her 70s or 80s here in the US. She had given birth to quite a few babies and almost all of them died from SIDS. They later found out (maybe she admitted, I don't remember) she suffocated them. They put her in prison.
3 :
I'd need an accredited news website link to believe this even happened in France. No, most sane people don't murder their kids.
4 :
8 little people that could have had a chance in this world...the so called mother should spend the rest of her life in prison....what a wicked bitch she really is!!! Alyssa's Mummy...this really did happen. here is a link -
5 :
I read that too, sad :( In answer to your question, yes Germany. This might answer your question
6 :
bunch of GD whackos...FFS
7 :
That kind of reminds me of the lady from like a hundred years ago who took babies in from mothers who couldn't afford them and killed them and buried them in her yard. That's pretty bizarre though, her husband didn't know she was pregnant and didn't know she was giving birth in the house. Not to mention horrible of course.
8 :
Dead babies find shocks Germany This is an unbelievable story!! How horrid! Found it on the web. No I don't remember any mothers burying their babies in the USA. The two that comes close is the sick twisted one that drowned all 5 of her children one by one in a bathtub - Andrea Yates or Susan Smith who drove her car in a lake with her 2 little boys seat-belted in the back seat. It's all very sad.
9 :
That's disgusting. And yea, it happens in all parts of the world. Some people are really very ill. I don't understand it but I can't deny that sort of craziness (or evilness) exists (although it's extremely rare), unfortunately.
10 :
That's appalling. I've never heard of anything so awful short of that woman who drowned her 4 children in the bathtub in 2000- something. THey were all grown though,ranging from8 to 6 months.That was sad too
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It happened in France yesterday, some people who had bought a new house found 2 skeletons buried in the garden, and six others in the garage. Turns out the previous owner of the house, a nurse of 45 years old, lied and hid 8 pregnancies to her husband. She gave birth to the babies at home and then stifled and buried them. Supposedly, her husband never noticed she was pregnant because she is overweight. What do you think of this story? Did anything like that ever happened in America/other countries? @alyssa'smommy i don't know why you think i would lie about this..?
Parenting - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
not that i know of
2 :
I recall a story a while back about a woman who was in her 70s or 80s here in the US. She had given birth to quite a few babies and almost all of them died from SIDS. They later found out (maybe she admitted, I don't remember) she suffocated them. They put her in prison.
3 :
I'd need an accredited news website link to believe this even happened in France. No, most sane people don't murder their kids.
4 :
8 little people that could have had a chance in this world...the so called mother should spend the rest of her life in prison....what a wicked bitch she really is!!! Alyssa's Mummy...this really did happen. here is a link -
5 :
I read that too, sad :( In answer to your question, yes Germany. This might answer your question
6 :
bunch of GD whackos...FFS
7 :
That kind of reminds me of the lady from like a hundred years ago who took babies in from mothers who couldn't afford them and killed them and buried them in her yard. That's pretty bizarre though, her husband didn't know she was pregnant and didn't know she was giving birth in the house. Not to mention horrible of course.
8 :
Dead babies find shocks Germany This is an unbelievable story!! How horrid! Found it on the web. No I don't remember any mothers burying their babies in the USA. The two that comes close is the sick twisted one that drowned all 5 of her children one by one in a bathtub - Andrea Yates or Susan Smith who drove her car in a lake with her 2 little boys seat-belted in the back seat. It's all very sad.
9 :
That's disgusting. And yea, it happens in all parts of the world. Some people are really very ill. I don't understand it but I can't deny that sort of craziness (or evilness) exists (although it's extremely rare), unfortunately.
10 :
That's appalling. I've never heard of anything so awful short of that woman who drowned her 4 children in the bathtub in 2000- something. THey were all grown though,ranging from8 to 6 months.That was sad too
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011
I just got this and thought I'd pass it along - Do you like it
I just got this and thought I'd pass it along - Do you like it?
SOME OF THESE ARE OLDIES and SOME ARE NEWIES ~ BUT ALL FUN 1. The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi. 2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian. 3. She was only a whiskey maker, but he loved her still. 4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption. 5. The butcher backed into the meat grinder and got a little behind in his work. 6. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery. 7. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering. 8. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart. 9. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie. 10. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. 11. A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it. 12. Atheism is a non-prophet organization. 13. Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other: 'You stay here; I'll go on a head.' 14. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me. 15. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: 'Keep off the Grass.' 16. A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse Said 'No change yet.' 17. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion. 18. The short fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large. 19. The man who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned Veteran 20. A backward poet writes inverse. 21. In a democracy it's your vote that counts. In feudalism it's your Count that votes. 22. When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion. 23. Don't join dangerous cults: Practice safe sects!
Jokes & Riddles - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Thanks for sharing but my sense of humor has risen to something a bit more sophisticated than puns. But I am sure that many people will like these.
2 :
hahhaa thanks i needed a laugh :)
3 :
Thanks. Those were very cute and funny. I have an idea how I can use some of them!
4 :
very good ones in there.
5 :
some of those are really funny,I wish my printer worked!! that's ok,I saved them on my computer for future reference!!Thanks again!!
6 :
8 and 12 were the best
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SOME OF THESE ARE OLDIES and SOME ARE NEWIES ~ BUT ALL FUN 1. The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi. 2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian. 3. She was only a whiskey maker, but he loved her still. 4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption. 5. The butcher backed into the meat grinder and got a little behind in his work. 6. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery. 7. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering. 8. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart. 9. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie. 10. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. 11. A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it. 12. Atheism is a non-prophet organization. 13. Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other: 'You stay here; I'll go on a head.' 14. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me. 15. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: 'Keep off the Grass.' 16. A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse Said 'No change yet.' 17. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion. 18. The short fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large. 19. The man who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned Veteran 20. A backward poet writes inverse. 21. In a democracy it's your vote that counts. In feudalism it's your Count that votes. 22. When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion. 23. Don't join dangerous cults: Practice safe sects!
Jokes & Riddles - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Thanks for sharing but my sense of humor has risen to something a bit more sophisticated than puns. But I am sure that many people will like these.
2 :
hahhaa thanks i needed a laugh :)
3 :
Thanks. Those were very cute and funny. I have an idea how I can use some of them!
4 :
very good ones in there.
5 :
some of those are really funny,I wish my printer worked!! that's ok,I saved them on my computer for future reference!!Thanks again!!
6 :
8 and 12 were the best
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Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Revolutionary War Report/diary
Revolutionary War Report/diary?
I have been assigned a report for history & it is about 1775, [Rev.War] and I have to pretend to be a nurse in the Continental Army living through these events and have to make a diary describing all these events: 1. The Battles of Lexington & Concord 2. The Battle Of Bunker Hill 3. News of the Olive Branch Petition 4. News of The Declaration of Independence 5. Washington's crushing defeat in New York 6. Retreat across New Jersey 7. Victory at Trenton and Princeton 8. British capture Philadelphia 9. The Battle of Saratoga 10. France and Spain send help 11. Winter at Valley Forge 12. The Battle of Cowpens 13. The Battle of Yorktown 14. News of The Treaty of Paris Now, I'm begging [not asking for you to do my report!] that someone will help me by putting brief details describing EACH event so i know what i'm writing about in this diary. Thank you sooooooooooo much!!!! No links please- I just want someone to briefly sum up each event please i really don't understand!!! Thanks =D!
Homework Help - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You are asking for quite a lot of information and I don't think any one will spend the amount of time needed to answer you. Here's the best I can do for you, if you don't like the answer I've given then ignore it. Major battles and events of the American Revolution include: •Battle of Lexington and Concord •Capture of Fort Ticonderoga •Battle of Bunker Hill •Olive Branch Petition •British Evacuation of Boston •Invasion of Quebec, Canada •Battle of Long Island •Battle of White Plains •Battle of Fort Washington •Washington crossing the Delaware River •Battle of Trenton •Battle of Princeton •Battle of Brandywine •Battle of Germantown •Battle of Oriskany •Battle of Bennington •Battle of Saratoga •Battle of Monmouth •Winter at Valley Forge •Battle of Savannah •Battle of Charleston •Battle of Camden •Battle of King's Mountain •Battle of Cowpens •Battle of Guilford •Battle of Eutaw Springs •Battle of Yorktown
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I have been assigned a report for history & it is about 1775, [Rev.War] and I have to pretend to be a nurse in the Continental Army living through these events and have to make a diary describing all these events: 1. The Battles of Lexington & Concord 2. The Battle Of Bunker Hill 3. News of the Olive Branch Petition 4. News of The Declaration of Independence 5. Washington's crushing defeat in New York 6. Retreat across New Jersey 7. Victory at Trenton and Princeton 8. British capture Philadelphia 9. The Battle of Saratoga 10. France and Spain send help 11. Winter at Valley Forge 12. The Battle of Cowpens 13. The Battle of Yorktown 14. News of The Treaty of Paris Now, I'm begging [not asking for you to do my report!] that someone will help me by putting brief details describing EACH event so i know what i'm writing about in this diary. Thank you sooooooooooo much!!!! No links please- I just want someone to briefly sum up each event please i really don't understand!!! Thanks =D!
Homework Help - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You are asking for quite a lot of information and I don't think any one will spend the amount of time needed to answer you. Here's the best I can do for you, if you don't like the answer I've given then ignore it. Major battles and events of the American Revolution include: •Battle of Lexington and Concord •Capture of Fort Ticonderoga •Battle of Bunker Hill •Olive Branch Petition •British Evacuation of Boston •Invasion of Quebec, Canada •Battle of Long Island •Battle of White Plains •Battle of Fort Washington •Washington crossing the Delaware River •Battle of Trenton •Battle of Princeton •Battle of Brandywine •Battle of Germantown •Battle of Oriskany •Battle of Bennington •Battle of Saratoga •Battle of Monmouth •Winter at Valley Forge •Battle of Savannah •Battle of Charleston •Battle of Camden •Battle of King's Mountain •Battle of Cowpens •Battle of Guilford •Battle of Eutaw Springs •Battle of Yorktown
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Thursday, September 1, 2011
A few Puns to ponder....Wordplay
A few Puns to ponder....Wordplay?
1. The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi. 2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian. 3. She was only a whisky maker, but he loved her still. 4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class because it was a weapon of math disruption. 6. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery. 7. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering. 8. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart. 9. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie. 10. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. 12. Atheism is a non-prophet organization. 13. Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other, "You stay here, I'll go on a-head." 14. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me. 15. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: "Keep off the Grass." 16. A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse said, "No change yet." 17. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion. 18. Don't join dangerous cults, practice safe sects! 19. The short fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium, at large. 20. The man who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran. 21. A backward poet writes in-verse. 22. In democracy it's your vote that counts. In feudalism it's your count that votes. 23. When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion.
Words & Wordplay - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
lol yeah they are great lol
2 :
Thank you.
3 :
very funny my fav is #4
4 :
Some of the best I've seen! But, ya know when those cannibals ate the Reverend Enge there were leftovers. The next day they discovered that Rev Enge is a dish best served cold. *************************** By the way, #5 is MY favorite!
5 :
Thanks for the humour. Nice to see keep it up.
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1. The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi. 2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian. 3. She was only a whisky maker, but he loved her still. 4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class because it was a weapon of math disruption. 6. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery. 7. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering. 8. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart. 9. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie. 10. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. 12. Atheism is a non-prophet organization. 13. Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other, "You stay here, I'll go on a-head." 14. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me. 15. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: "Keep off the Grass." 16. A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse said, "No change yet." 17. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion. 18. Don't join dangerous cults, practice safe sects! 19. The short fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium, at large. 20. The man who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran. 21. A backward poet writes in-verse. 22. In democracy it's your vote that counts. In feudalism it's your count that votes. 23. When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion.
Words & Wordplay - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
lol yeah they are great lol
2 :
Thank you.
3 :
very funny my fav is #4
4 :
Some of the best I've seen! But, ya know when those cannibals ate the Reverend Enge there were leftovers. The next day they discovered that Rev Enge is a dish best served cold. *************************** By the way, #5 is MY favorite!
5 :
Thanks for the humour. Nice to see keep it up.
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Sunday, August 28, 2011
Can urgent care send me a bill for extra charges after my visit
Can urgent care send me a bill for extra charges after my visit?
My wife & I had sinus infections and went to an urgent care facility since we were on vacation in the US (we live in France). I signed up for some discount card and the fee for the visit was $68/each. We saw the nurse practioner and she swabbed our mouths for a strep test and when that was negative she gave us antibiotics. We thought all was good. Then I received a bill for $91 for each of us. There is an $80 "weekend" charge for both of us (we were there on a Saturday). There was also $34 for strep test. The $80 is obviously bogus, they told us the visit was $68 and that's what we paid. I'm very surprised they would try and screw us on that but I guess that's how this particular company operates. The $34 strep test is what I'm asking about. I looked up the symptoms for strep and we didn't have any of them. None. I think the only reason she did this test was to bill us $34. She did not advice us there would be an extra charge. What should I do?
Other - General Health Care - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
All tests are always charged separately. (You've now learned something.) A throat culture isn't abnormal given you had sinus infection and probably your throat was red from drainage - and if the test had came back positive, you might have gotten a different prescription. You have an argument for the $68 vs. $80. Not your fault if the desk misinformed you (you had an offer and an acceptance). That's their problem.
2 :
Unfortunately the way our medical system works here in the US, there are many "ancillary" charges that can trickle in on a simple visit to an urgent care clinic. Because various services are broken out separately, you can receive a "facility use" charge for the exam room along with the actual strep test charge. The $68 you paid was probably the "professional fees" for the nurse to do her exam and write a script. On top of everything, the nurse (or any other person at the clinic) doesn't have to inform you that there will be additional charges since it is your responsibility to know your benefits and limitations on the discount policy. I wish I had better news, but honestly I would (1) pay the charges and chalk it up to experience or (2) ignore the charges and have it written off as a "bad debt account". Good luck.
3 :
Most all of my medical visits are followed with a trail of bills from everybody who walked through the room. I personally think we have a terrible system of payment for medical services in the US. They probably did the strep test to assure they were treating with the right antibiotic, and culture and sensitivity takes days so they did not choose that option. Also, there are those that are lawsuit happy, and many unnecessary tests are done just to prevent lawsuits. Yes it is very possible that they charged extra for the weekend as most physicians offices are closed during the weekend, and one has to go to ER and get charged outrageous prices. Some small towns do not have an urgent care on weekends. Visits to my regular MD easily run $100 even through the week and that is when I am feeling fine and without any labs. I am afraid you have just found out why so many people in the US are wanting better medical help, insurance for all. We have a terrible system with the insurance companies getting rich because they only insure healthy people. Sorry I got so long winded, but this is a sore spot with many Americans. I don't know why type of system you have in France, but it apparently does not have the surprises we have here.
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My wife & I had sinus infections and went to an urgent care facility since we were on vacation in the US (we live in France). I signed up for some discount card and the fee for the visit was $68/each. We saw the nurse practioner and she swabbed our mouths for a strep test and when that was negative she gave us antibiotics. We thought all was good. Then I received a bill for $91 for each of us. There is an $80 "weekend" charge for both of us (we were there on a Saturday). There was also $34 for strep test. The $80 is obviously bogus, they told us the visit was $68 and that's what we paid. I'm very surprised they would try and screw us on that but I guess that's how this particular company operates. The $34 strep test is what I'm asking about. I looked up the symptoms for strep and we didn't have any of them. None. I think the only reason she did this test was to bill us $34. She did not advice us there would be an extra charge. What should I do?
Other - General Health Care - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
All tests are always charged separately. (You've now learned something.) A throat culture isn't abnormal given you had sinus infection and probably your throat was red from drainage - and if the test had came back positive, you might have gotten a different prescription. You have an argument for the $68 vs. $80. Not your fault if the desk misinformed you (you had an offer and an acceptance). That's their problem.
2 :
Unfortunately the way our medical system works here in the US, there are many "ancillary" charges that can trickle in on a simple visit to an urgent care clinic. Because various services are broken out separately, you can receive a "facility use" charge for the exam room along with the actual strep test charge. The $68 you paid was probably the "professional fees" for the nurse to do her exam and write a script. On top of everything, the nurse (or any other person at the clinic) doesn't have to inform you that there will be additional charges since it is your responsibility to know your benefits and limitations on the discount policy. I wish I had better news, but honestly I would (1) pay the charges and chalk it up to experience or (2) ignore the charges and have it written off as a "bad debt account". Good luck.
3 :
Most all of my medical visits are followed with a trail of bills from everybody who walked through the room. I personally think we have a terrible system of payment for medical services in the US. They probably did the strep test to assure they were treating with the right antibiotic, and culture and sensitivity takes days so they did not choose that option. Also, there are those that are lawsuit happy, and many unnecessary tests are done just to prevent lawsuits. Yes it is very possible that they charged extra for the weekend as most physicians offices are closed during the weekend, and one has to go to ER and get charged outrageous prices. Some small towns do not have an urgent care on weekends. Visits to my regular MD easily run $100 even through the week and that is when I am feeling fine and without any labs. I am afraid you have just found out why so many people in the US are wanting better medical help, insurance for all. We have a terrible system with the insurance companies getting rich because they only insure healthy people. Sorry I got so long winded, but this is a sore spot with many Americans. I don't know why type of system you have in France, but it apparently does not have the surprises we have here.
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Sunday, August 14, 2011
Pleeeeeese give me some advice with my research Paper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've posted what I have so far.
Pleeeeeese give me some advice with my research Paper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've posted what I have so far...?
any advice or opinions WELCOMED, I'm stumped:( Ok so its for History class and I chose Americas involvement in World War II. I had to pick sources and I picked Eisenhower's memoir of D-Day and his naval aid officers diary that he took over the three years Eisenhower was general so that includes D-Day. But the way these books are written is so uninteresting and dry there is no good information in them so now I don't know what to do. And I have to site my sources. So Please read what I've got and and if you have any options of how I could lay the rest of it out or discuss it would really help. Thanks so much!!!!!!!! Oh it's got to be 4 pages I've got only about 1 so far;( There are so many facets of World War II that can be researched, discussed and even argued, some examples are Adolf Hitler, Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, military nurses and what they witnessed, tales of heroism, the list goes on and on. This is perhaps why there is such a vast majority of books and documentaries that have covered different elements of that truly unforgettable time in history. As a result there are no doubt countless events that may come to mind when thinking about WWII but when considering America’s involvement in the war an event that is recognized for being one of the bloodiest days in our countries history may come to mind and that is the day American soldiers were sent to storm the beaches of Normandy, also known as D-Day. A few books that give profound insight into this tragic incident and the days surrounding it are Dwight D. Eisenhower’s own personal memoir “Crusade in Europeâ€, Captain Harry C. Butcher’s “My Three Years with Eisenhower†a private diary of Eisenhower’s actions during that time written by Eisenhower’s naval aide and “War Stories†written by Elizabeth Mullener which contains countless tales from soldiers who made it out alive. All three of these books contain individual accounts of that day and period in time and therefore are able to give superior insight into America’s participation in WWII and D-Day. On Tuesday June 6, 1944 American troops met with Canadian and British troops on the beach of Normandy to try and impede German forces. Eisenhower had been put into the position of commander over the Allied Expeditionary Force giving him total control over the troops that were to invade France. D-Day or also known as, Operation Overload, was the commencement of one of the biggest invasion in the history of warfare and would turn the tide of WWII. By this time WWII had been going on for several years beginning with Hitler’s invasion into Poland in 1939. The U.S had been reluctant to get involved with the war b
Homework Help - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.
2 :
Stultifyingly boring. Where is the human element ?
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any advice or opinions WELCOMED, I'm stumped:( Ok so its for History class and I chose Americas involvement in World War II. I had to pick sources and I picked Eisenhower's memoir of D-Day and his naval aid officers diary that he took over the three years Eisenhower was general so that includes D-Day. But the way these books are written is so uninteresting and dry there is no good information in them so now I don't know what to do. And I have to site my sources. So Please read what I've got and and if you have any options of how I could lay the rest of it out or discuss it would really help. Thanks so much!!!!!!!! Oh it's got to be 4 pages I've got only about 1 so far;( There are so many facets of World War II that can be researched, discussed and even argued, some examples are Adolf Hitler, Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, military nurses and what they witnessed, tales of heroism, the list goes on and on. This is perhaps why there is such a vast majority of books and documentaries that have covered different elements of that truly unforgettable time in history. As a result there are no doubt countless events that may come to mind when thinking about WWII but when considering America’s involvement in the war an event that is recognized for being one of the bloodiest days in our countries history may come to mind and that is the day American soldiers were sent to storm the beaches of Normandy, also known as D-Day. A few books that give profound insight into this tragic incident and the days surrounding it are Dwight D. Eisenhower’s own personal memoir “Crusade in Europeâ€, Captain Harry C. Butcher’s “My Three Years with Eisenhower†a private diary of Eisenhower’s actions during that time written by Eisenhower’s naval aide and “War Stories†written by Elizabeth Mullener which contains countless tales from soldiers who made it out alive. All three of these books contain individual accounts of that day and period in time and therefore are able to give superior insight into America’s participation in WWII and D-Day. On Tuesday June 6, 1944 American troops met with Canadian and British troops on the beach of Normandy to try and impede German forces. Eisenhower had been put into the position of commander over the Allied Expeditionary Force giving him total control over the troops that were to invade France. D-Day or also known as, Operation Overload, was the commencement of one of the biggest invasion in the history of warfare and would turn the tide of WWII. By this time WWII had been going on for several years beginning with Hitler’s invasion into Poland in 1939. The U.S had been reluctant to get involved with the war b
Homework Help - 2 Answers
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1 :
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.
2 :
Stultifyingly boring. Where is the human element ?
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Sunday, August 7, 2011
What does COLOURS (stanza 1 line 3) means
What does COLOURS (stanza 1 line 3) means?
i'm doing this poetry analysis of poem by Robert W. Service entitled Young Fellow My Lad.. this is the poem: "Where are you going, Young Fellow My Lad, On this glittering morn of May?" "I'm going to join the Colours, Dad; They're looking for men, they say." "But you're only a boy, Young Fellow My Lad; You aren't obliged to go." "I'm seventeen and a quarter, Dad, And ever so strong, you know." "So you're off to France, Young Fellow My Lad, And you're looking so fit and bright." "I'm terribly sorry to leave you, Dad, But I feel that I'm doing right." "God bless you and keep you, Young Fellow My Lad, You're all of my life, you know." "Don't worry. I'll soon be back, dear Dad, And I'm awfully proud to go." "Why don't you write, Young Fellow My Lad? I watch for the post each day; And I miss you so, and I'm awfully sad, And it's months since you went away. And I've had the fire in the parlour lit, And I'm keeping it burning bright Till my boy comes home; and here I sit Into the quiet night. "What is the matter, Young Fellow My Lad? No letter again to-day. Why did the postman look so sad, And sigh as he turned away? I hear them tell that we've gained new ground, But a terrible price we've paid: God grant, my boy, that you're safe and sound But oh I'm afraid, afraid." "They've told me the truth, Young Fellow My Lad: You'll never come back again: (Oh God! the dreams and the dreams I've had, and the hopes I've nursed in vain!) For you passed in the night, Young Fellow My Lad, And you proved in the cruel test Of the screaming shell and the battle hell That my boy was one of the best. "So you'll live, you'll live, Young Fellow My Lad, In the gleam of the evening star, In the wood-note wild and the laugh of the child, In all sweet things that are. And you'll never die, my wonderful boy, While life is noble and true; For all our beauty and hope and joy We will owe to our lads like you."
Poetry - 5 Answers
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1 :
COLOURS means WOMENS OR GIRLS. But as he is boy so he cant go.His dad says But boy says that he s seventeen and quarter.
2 :
He's refferring to the Army, or maybe Marines or something.
3 :
I think it means work, or new land, or maybe even girls.women.
4 :
5 :
"colours" is referring to the army. He's off to don the uniform of a soldier. I'm assuming they're in England judging by the spelling of color, and don't they have colorful soldier's uniforms? I don't know for sure about that. I only know that in the Revolutionary War they were the "red coats" anyway, the third line is talking about him joining the army. He's going to become a soldier and die for his country.
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i'm doing this poetry analysis of poem by Robert W. Service entitled Young Fellow My Lad.. this is the poem: "Where are you going, Young Fellow My Lad, On this glittering morn of May?" "I'm going to join the Colours, Dad; They're looking for men, they say." "But you're only a boy, Young Fellow My Lad; You aren't obliged to go." "I'm seventeen and a quarter, Dad, And ever so strong, you know." "So you're off to France, Young Fellow My Lad, And you're looking so fit and bright." "I'm terribly sorry to leave you, Dad, But I feel that I'm doing right." "God bless you and keep you, Young Fellow My Lad, You're all of my life, you know." "Don't worry. I'll soon be back, dear Dad, And I'm awfully proud to go." "Why don't you write, Young Fellow My Lad? I watch for the post each day; And I miss you so, and I'm awfully sad, And it's months since you went away. And I've had the fire in the parlour lit, And I'm keeping it burning bright Till my boy comes home; and here I sit Into the quiet night. "What is the matter, Young Fellow My Lad? No letter again to-day. Why did the postman look so sad, And sigh as he turned away? I hear them tell that we've gained new ground, But a terrible price we've paid: God grant, my boy, that you're safe and sound But oh I'm afraid, afraid." "They've told me the truth, Young Fellow My Lad: You'll never come back again: (Oh God! the dreams and the dreams I've had, and the hopes I've nursed in vain!) For you passed in the night, Young Fellow My Lad, And you proved in the cruel test Of the screaming shell and the battle hell That my boy was one of the best. "So you'll live, you'll live, Young Fellow My Lad, In the gleam of the evening star, In the wood-note wild and the laugh of the child, In all sweet things that are. And you'll never die, my wonderful boy, While life is noble and true; For all our beauty and hope and joy We will owe to our lads like you."
Poetry - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
COLOURS means WOMENS OR GIRLS. But as he is boy so he cant go.His dad says But boy says that he s seventeen and quarter.
2 :
He's refferring to the Army, or maybe Marines or something.
3 :
I think it means work, or new land, or maybe even girls.women.
4 :
5 :
"colours" is referring to the army. He's off to don the uniform of a soldier. I'm assuming they're in England judging by the spelling of color, and don't they have colorful soldier's uniforms? I don't know for sure about that. I only know that in the Revolutionary War they were the "red coats" anyway, the third line is talking about him joining the army. He's going to become a soldier and die for his country.
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Monday, August 1, 2011
Why are Americans so opposed to socialized/single-payer healthcarertinges
Why are Americans so opposed to socialized/single-payer healthcare?
You don't have to read all of this below... but it's some background so you can know where the question comes from: I've been a nurse at multiple institutions in the U.S., including the world-renowned Mayo Clinic, and I can honestly say that most people do not get what they pay for, and many healthcare professionals are both overpaid and overworked, which leads to poor quality, expensive healthcare experiences for many patients. I've been shopping around for countries to move to, because my own healthcare is becoming too expensive (I have chronic cerebral vasculitis and an AVM, requiring several brain surgeries and am in the process of filing for bankruptcy for in excess of $100K that my private health insurance plan will not pay), and I need care, but if I stay in the U.S., I am going to have to file for disability and live off the government in order to get my care. My two jobs do not provide me with healthcare benefits, and I have reached my $750K lifetime maximum, and will never be able to get private health insurance again - unless it is associated with a group healthcare plan with a full time job. My health is brittle enough that I'm predominantly only able to do per diem work. I need the flexibility to sit out from work for a few weeks if I have a bout with seizures. Though per diem work pays quite well, it's rare that it includes healthcare benefits. I've spent a great deal of time in Canada, the U.K., France and Italy, and they all have really phenomenal healthcare systems that are available to people regardless of their ability to afford or even find private health insurance. Many people who would otherwise not be able to work, because they need to be made impoverished to be covered by the government in the U.S., are able to work in these other countries. The current U.S. system seems to encourage capable workers to file for disability and "live off the government," because you have to be very poor in order to get government assistance for medical bills here. Why do people support this? I don't want to be forced out of work. I'm fully capable of working, but just under unusual conditions. Why not just set up a system where healthcare is covered by the government just like education, police, firefighters, military defense and tons of other services that people don't balk about having to pay taxes for? Michael I: I am both a patient with a chronic illness and a nurse. I have spent months at a time in Canada, France, the U.K. and Italy. They have superior healthcare systems. I worked at the Mayo Clinic. I watched foreigners come over and die, because they thought they would get superior care here. I speak from experience. I think for myself. Your condescension is noted, and not appreciated. I ask a question in genuine curiosity, not hostility. Please treat me with respect, and I will grant you the same. 8***L: So what if there are still private systems for people who can afford it? People who want to pay tons of money for FedEx, UPS and DHL have those options as well. What makes you think other systems are terrible? Why are Italy and France ranked number 1 and 2 by the WHO for their healthcare systems. Why is the U.S. between Costa Rica and Slovenia, at 37? Why is the U.S.'s infant mortality rate so high? Why is it that me, a capable worker, is being forced to file for disability, because no job will have me with my chronic illness which requires me to have weeks off at a time? If I work, I make too much to get Medicaid. So now I have to file for bankruptcy to get my unpaid medical bills discharged, and disability to get future bills managed. 3rd Party 2008: As I said, I am looking for other places to live. I don't think that prohibits me from asking the question, though. It's still a "mostly" free country. If I only had $900 to pay for shots, then that would be great. I pay for my $300/mo meds no problem. It's the $100K leftover from brain surgeries I've had in the past 4 years that I can't cover, and now have to file for bankruptcy to manage. asmith1022_2006: On the contrary, the Canadian and U.K. systems do exactly what they set out to do - give citizens access to adequate healthcare regardless of their ability to pay, and without their having to file for bankruptcy or go into debt to get their basic healthcare needs met. I call that a good system. I'm always amazed at how many Americans assume that socialized healthcare systems are horrible, but have absolutely no evidence to back that up. Paki88: You are a very wise 15 year old. I hope you use those smarts and that insight to change the world for the better. Sorry we've left it such a nasty place for you and your generation. We've been most irresponsible. Kimberly G: I completely empathize with you. Part of me is a little smug that because I have no other option, the option I have to take is actually forcing everyone to pay for my healthcare. People tell me they don't want to pay for my healthcare. Guess what... you all are. My bankruptcy means that the hospital didn't get paid for their services, so they have to raise the price of services to the rest of you, which will cause insurance companies to raise the price of coverage. Then my need to file for disability means that your tax dollars are going to go to my daily living expenses *and* my healthcare. In this system, you'll pay for me one way or another. I just think that this way means you pay more, and is worse for everyone.
Politics - 13 Answers
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1 :
Because I was also against the bail out of wall street. I don't want the same people that brought me the collapse of the financial markets over my health care. that's why? You ever been to a VA hospital? Not to be rude, because I have my own problems. My shots are $900 a piece. I just don't think my neighbor should pay for them. If health care is so great in other countries why are you here? "Canada, the U.K., France and Italy, and they all have really phenomenal healthcare systems that are available to people regardless of their ability to afford or even find private health insurance." Try one of these countries!
2 :
Because my father didn't immigrate from europe so that we can replicate failed socialist policies. BTW, you might want to think for yourself for a change and realize that the US health care system is pretty damn good. Why do you think so many foreigners come here to seek medical attention? The US also has the world's highest cancer survival rates. I would give you links to this, but I'm sure you have more important things to do than verifying facts---like watching Oprah and looking at your People magazine.
3 :
We have socialized single-payer mail delivery, and it sucks.
4 :
That's a great question.
5 :
We'll still have private hospitals for the celebrities, politicians, and wealthy people - the rest of the sheep will get the crumbs left over. There are many other ways of making health care cheaper, without nationalizing it - IF you have a job and are willing to work. Other countries systems are terrible, and I would not like to see that here.
6 :
Because socialized health care will lead to a decline in quality, poor availability of choice, and a lack of incentive for citizens. Not to mention there is no way we could afford it if we wanted to, seeing as we can't pay for the entitlements we have. But look at the examples of the British, and Canadian systems, they are terrible.
7 :
You can thank Nixon for your situation, he was the one that changed the health care system that started the process of destroying our health care system. As far as health care now, i am uncertain that we'll have universal health care in the 4-8 years that Obama is in office, but he would certainly make it plausible in 10 years. McCain would privatize health care, and i will just say i am also uncertain with his plan as well. People do not understand the complex underpinnings of current gov. health coverage. Many republicans only see people on welfare as those who are lazy and are being "enabled". its much easier to oppose when you can say lazy people are getting welfare and not people who have chronic cerebral vasculitis and an AVM. You have picked a really bad era also to bring up socializing health care because people are so ignorant and fearful of everything (Bush,9-11, etc) they don't know what to think. Why would the government want to pick up our health bill when we are making billions on obesity and smoking related illnesses from sick people? ..I'll vote Obama so you can get that health care you so obviously deserve and need. I think these answers previous to me are wonderful examples of the fear and ignorance i was talking about. You are slapping these guys around with counterpoints they can't even start to handle because they are just a bunch of ignorant fear mongers. I don't see any other edits....
8 :
Police and firefighters are employed at the state and city level. The education that is government funded is terrible. Honestly, I have no faith that the government is going to make it any better for you. They don't do anything besides screw up. France and englands health care isn't all that it's cracked up to be either. I have a buddy in France I play CS with that complains about the healthcare in France all the time. England has a shortage of doctors, and you want to talk about under payed, check out the NHS pay scales most doctors in the U.S. make much more. Examples, Canada uses the United States as a safety valve for its overtaxed health care system,with provincial governments and patients spending a combined total of more than $1 billion a year on U.S. medical care. To reduce its waiting lists, the British National Health Service (NHS) recently announced the decision to treat some NHS patients in private hospitals, reversing alongstanding policy of only using public (NHS) hospitals. Over 7 million people in Britain now have private health insurance, and since the Labor government’s first year in office, the number of patients paying out-of-pocket or medical treatment has increased 40 percent to 160,000 annually. The list goes on. The following report examines the evidence concerning national health insurance. I suggest you read it and take an empirical approach to what will be the best option for you given your condition. Our system isn't perfect, far from it in fact... but the idea that government is going to fix your problems is a bit overconfident. Here is the link.
9 :
The most common reason that people give for opposing a single-payer plan is that it would lead to rationing of health care because of the expense. Personally, I find this odd, considering the fact that our health care "system" is already the most expensive in the world and is being rationed by insurance companies. Another argument is that the government is too dysfunctional to manage a system of this size. They see the poor quality of the VA system and believe that is what it would look like. But, the people are the government. We should be able to handle this. I refuse to believe that other countries are more capable that we are. And then there are those who simply say they don't want to pay for someone else's health care. They don't seem to realize that we're already paying every-time someone is forced to declare bankruptcy due to an illness that insurance refused to cover.
10 :
The cost of course. Canada spends over $4,000 per person on their single payer system. Great Britain spends over $3,300 per person. So a little over a trillion dollars a year, to do that in the US. Not counting the start up cost, since the US doesn't actually have its own medical facilities and would have to either buy or lease the medical clinics and hospitals. When US tax revenue from corporate and individual income tax's is only 1.5 trillion. Just how will they come up with the trillion dollars to fund national health care ? We would need 66% more tax revenue, than we currently receive.
11 :
I agree with you 100%, Even though I'm 15 I can see what a horrible Health Care system this country has and how the corrupt insurance companies don't cover anything, they bail when you get that 100k Surgery. Money isn't a problem either, how did we get that extra 2 trillion $$ for the war? If we can spend that much on the war then we can defiantly afford health care. America needs to wake up, why are we always the last ones to incorperate action, Europe is much smarter than us, they have been around longer than us, they abolished slavery first while we thought it was absurd, now look at us, we make more money than any other nation on Earth yet we can't get free health care, this is such BS. Also these idiots who oppose it, have no evidence to back themselves up, they just hate it, because it has the word socialist in it. This is why Other countries in the world think of us as "stupid americans".
12 :
Because I see what the government does with the health care they handle now and it's not good. I watched my mom's boyfriend get his tooth pulled by a sadistic nurse with no pain relief in a va hospital. I watch my best friend become a cripple because the government can't take care of the men and women that serve this country. He will be in a wheelchair in another 2-3 years because the government denied him treatment until it was too late. That and I pay for my insurance and I work at a crappy job to pay for it but it at least takes care of my families insurance needs and honestly I don't want to pay for someone else's insurance knowing that nobody will help me. Would I like more affordable health insurance? Yes. Will Obama provide it? No. The only way it will get better is if we regulate the insurance companies and stop them from constantly raising their rates. rachelesse I understand where you're coming from. You have a health issue that is causing issues with work and life and it is hard to pay for your medical bills. My mom worked for a company for 10 years who did nothing but treat her like cheap slave labor and she did it to put food on the table. My sister and I finally talked her into quitting her job because we found out the job was killing her. She has perminant back damage and she is having so much trouble finding a job. We're talking to a lawyer about disability from her previous employer and to see about full disability for her but the government will not help. I do believe that we should help those that need the help and regulating the insurance companies is one way to start. They are blood sucking leeches that will stop at nothing to suck us dry. What I oppose is the lazy majority out there not willing to work or if they are willing to work they are not willing to pay the extra money for health insurance so they expect the government to take care of them. I don't trust the government healthcare system because they do not have our best interest at heart. My son was on state medicare for a year before I found the job I have right now. The doctors were never willing to treat him for his ear infections they would say nothing was wrong only to find out he had a serious ear infection. Then they wanted to put tubes in his ears. His new doctor that I took him to after I got insurance diagnosed that drainage from his allergies was causing the ear infections, she put him on some allergy medication and he hasn't had an ear infection in over 2 years.
13 :
The problem is most Americans are cement headed and just it comes to plain stupidity because they have never had this system. Americans believe that they will be paying for someone else's medical bills and it's going to cost them more money blah blah blah. It's 100% complete BS, you'd know that living overseas. Americans don't realise , all the money they give yearly on medical insurance, 'can' if they choose, to stay in there wallets and give them an extra $30 plus to whatever they pay a week they pay a week out of there weekly income. Rather than giving it away to an insurance company who can knock back treatment or add a extra expense they don't cover or loose all the money they paid out on insurance if they loose or change jobs etc. In reality how many times in a year does the average person go see a doctor or requires medical treatment a year. Most people don't or they may see a doctor maybe once or twice a year, which they all pay annually thousands of dollars a year for a fifteen minute consultation for a script of antibiotics. I left the US and live overseas, almost all countries in the world have Universal Health Care systems, including the one I live in. Australia it costs nothing to see a doctor and you pay only four dollars and sixty cents for a script. During this winter I developed double Pneumonia, I seen a doctor had a chest x ray and blood test , all it cost me was four dollars sixty cents for the course of anti biotic nothing else. Also I had full lazer treatment to remove a benign mole and follow up treatment to see if spread it cost me nothing. In the US that treatment would have cost me thousands of dollars in expenses as it is not covered by insurance. The Universal medical health care umbrella covers everyone and you can still have your own private health insurance if you choose too.Here in Australia if you have ever have to pay out anything on medical expenses, you get 85% of your money back through medicare or you can bulk bill treatment and get it for free. We don't pay extra taxes for this, or have to wait for medical treatment or have added expenses or ever knocked back by having a pre existing illness. If you become ill or injured you don't have the stress or worry on top of getting money together for any treatment. Same if you loose your job and loose your medical insurance, you still get full medical treatment. There are no such thing's as a government doctor or only getting the treatment an insurance company allows, you always get full first class medical treatment for the whole family and yourself. You can see your family doctor, specialist, psychiatrist of your choice for free. Free hospital stays, or if you have a baby etc etc need blood or X ray test MRI scans, ultra sounds, follow up treatment, asthma tests or oxygen plasters, injections, operations , mammograms, bone scans, cancer treatment, hip replacement, physo or dental, optical etc ,etc, etc all 100% free. You even get a free pair of presciption glasses or dentures every year if you need them. When you do your annual taxation claim you are personally asked if you required any medical treatment during the taxation period, if no you don't pay any taxes, if you did more than seeing a GP, about twenty dollars is charge on low and up to sixty dollars plus per year for high wage earners who can afford insurance. For a lousy $ 20 to $60 dollars a year taken from your tax return is nothing to have you and your whole family covered for a year is nothing when most Americans have to mortgage there house for the same treatment. If your not working or on disability you don't pay a cent. You pay more to a tax advisor to do your yearly taxes than you pay for yearly health care for you and your whole family. The other silly question is the money must come from some where, well your weekly taxes, the government reeps also state taxes on each item you purchase goes towards it. The government just paid out seven hundred billion dollars of US tax dollar plus to wall street which should of be used on the public education and health system not bailing out richie rich. This reserve could have financed these systems where the US public would get benefits and money worth by the taxes they pay yearly. Which makes this system fair for all Americans not just the privileged or only the destitute but for every American.
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You don't have to read all of this below... but it's some background so you can know where the question comes from: I've been a nurse at multiple institutions in the U.S., including the world-renowned Mayo Clinic, and I can honestly say that most people do not get what they pay for, and many healthcare professionals are both overpaid and overworked, which leads to poor quality, expensive healthcare experiences for many patients. I've been shopping around for countries to move to, because my own healthcare is becoming too expensive (I have chronic cerebral vasculitis and an AVM, requiring several brain surgeries and am in the process of filing for bankruptcy for in excess of $100K that my private health insurance plan will not pay), and I need care, but if I stay in the U.S., I am going to have to file for disability and live off the government in order to get my care. My two jobs do not provide me with healthcare benefits, and I have reached my $750K lifetime maximum, and will never be able to get private health insurance again - unless it is associated with a group healthcare plan with a full time job. My health is brittle enough that I'm predominantly only able to do per diem work. I need the flexibility to sit out from work for a few weeks if I have a bout with seizures. Though per diem work pays quite well, it's rare that it includes healthcare benefits. I've spent a great deal of time in Canada, the U.K., France and Italy, and they all have really phenomenal healthcare systems that are available to people regardless of their ability to afford or even find private health insurance. Many people who would otherwise not be able to work, because they need to be made impoverished to be covered by the government in the U.S., are able to work in these other countries. The current U.S. system seems to encourage capable workers to file for disability and "live off the government," because you have to be very poor in order to get government assistance for medical bills here. Why do people support this? I don't want to be forced out of work. I'm fully capable of working, but just under unusual conditions. Why not just set up a system where healthcare is covered by the government just like education, police, firefighters, military defense and tons of other services that people don't balk about having to pay taxes for? Michael I: I am both a patient with a chronic illness and a nurse. I have spent months at a time in Canada, France, the U.K. and Italy. They have superior healthcare systems. I worked at the Mayo Clinic. I watched foreigners come over and die, because they thought they would get superior care here. I speak from experience. I think for myself. Your condescension is noted, and not appreciated. I ask a question in genuine curiosity, not hostility. Please treat me with respect, and I will grant you the same. 8***L: So what if there are still private systems for people who can afford it? People who want to pay tons of money for FedEx, UPS and DHL have those options as well. What makes you think other systems are terrible? Why are Italy and France ranked number 1 and 2 by the WHO for their healthcare systems. Why is the U.S. between Costa Rica and Slovenia, at 37? Why is the U.S.'s infant mortality rate so high? Why is it that me, a capable worker, is being forced to file for disability, because no job will have me with my chronic illness which requires me to have weeks off at a time? If I work, I make too much to get Medicaid. So now I have to file for bankruptcy to get my unpaid medical bills discharged, and disability to get future bills managed. 3rd Party 2008: As I said, I am looking for other places to live. I don't think that prohibits me from asking the question, though. It's still a "mostly" free country. If I only had $900 to pay for shots, then that would be great. I pay for my $300/mo meds no problem. It's the $100K leftover from brain surgeries I've had in the past 4 years that I can't cover, and now have to file for bankruptcy to manage. asmith1022_2006: On the contrary, the Canadian and U.K. systems do exactly what they set out to do - give citizens access to adequate healthcare regardless of their ability to pay, and without their having to file for bankruptcy or go into debt to get their basic healthcare needs met. I call that a good system. I'm always amazed at how many Americans assume that socialized healthcare systems are horrible, but have absolutely no evidence to back that up. Paki88: You are a very wise 15 year old. I hope you use those smarts and that insight to change the world for the better. Sorry we've left it such a nasty place for you and your generation. We've been most irresponsible. Kimberly G: I completely empathize with you. Part of me is a little smug that because I have no other option, the option I have to take is actually forcing everyone to pay for my healthcare. People tell me they don't want to pay for my healthcare. Guess what... you all are. My bankruptcy means that the hospital didn't get paid for their services, so they have to raise the price of services to the rest of you, which will cause insurance companies to raise the price of coverage. Then my need to file for disability means that your tax dollars are going to go to my daily living expenses *and* my healthcare. In this system, you'll pay for me one way or another. I just think that this way means you pay more, and is worse for everyone.
Politics - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Because I was also against the bail out of wall street. I don't want the same people that brought me the collapse of the financial markets over my health care. that's why? You ever been to a VA hospital? Not to be rude, because I have my own problems. My shots are $900 a piece. I just don't think my neighbor should pay for them. If health care is so great in other countries why are you here? "Canada, the U.K., France and Italy, and they all have really phenomenal healthcare systems that are available to people regardless of their ability to afford or even find private health insurance." Try one of these countries!
2 :
Because my father didn't immigrate from europe so that we can replicate failed socialist policies. BTW, you might want to think for yourself for a change and realize that the US health care system is pretty damn good. Why do you think so many foreigners come here to seek medical attention? The US also has the world's highest cancer survival rates. I would give you links to this, but I'm sure you have more important things to do than verifying facts---like watching Oprah and looking at your People magazine.
3 :
We have socialized single-payer mail delivery, and it sucks.
4 :
That's a great question.
5 :
We'll still have private hospitals for the celebrities, politicians, and wealthy people - the rest of the sheep will get the crumbs left over. There are many other ways of making health care cheaper, without nationalizing it - IF you have a job and are willing to work. Other countries systems are terrible, and I would not like to see that here.
6 :
Because socialized health care will lead to a decline in quality, poor availability of choice, and a lack of incentive for citizens. Not to mention there is no way we could afford it if we wanted to, seeing as we can't pay for the entitlements we have. But look at the examples of the British, and Canadian systems, they are terrible.
7 :
You can thank Nixon for your situation, he was the one that changed the health care system that started the process of destroying our health care system. As far as health care now, i am uncertain that we'll have universal health care in the 4-8 years that Obama is in office, but he would certainly make it plausible in 10 years. McCain would privatize health care, and i will just say i am also uncertain with his plan as well. People do not understand the complex underpinnings of current gov. health coverage. Many republicans only see people on welfare as those who are lazy and are being "enabled". its much easier to oppose when you can say lazy people are getting welfare and not people who have chronic cerebral vasculitis and an AVM. You have picked a really bad era also to bring up socializing health care because people are so ignorant and fearful of everything (Bush,9-11, etc) they don't know what to think. Why would the government want to pick up our health bill when we are making billions on obesity and smoking related illnesses from sick people? ..I'll vote Obama so you can get that health care you so obviously deserve and need. I think these answers previous to me are wonderful examples of the fear and ignorance i was talking about. You are slapping these guys around with counterpoints they can't even start to handle because they are just a bunch of ignorant fear mongers. I don't see any other edits....
8 :
Police and firefighters are employed at the state and city level. The education that is government funded is terrible. Honestly, I have no faith that the government is going to make it any better for you. They don't do anything besides screw up. France and englands health care isn't all that it's cracked up to be either. I have a buddy in France I play CS with that complains about the healthcare in France all the time. England has a shortage of doctors, and you want to talk about under payed, check out the NHS pay scales most doctors in the U.S. make much more. Examples, Canada uses the United States as a safety valve for its overtaxed health care system,with provincial governments and patients spending a combined total of more than $1 billion a year on U.S. medical care. To reduce its waiting lists, the British National Health Service (NHS) recently announced the decision to treat some NHS patients in private hospitals, reversing alongstanding policy of only using public (NHS) hospitals. Over 7 million people in Britain now have private health insurance, and since the Labor government’s first year in office, the number of patients paying out-of-pocket or medical treatment has increased 40 percent to 160,000 annually. The list goes on. The following report examines the evidence concerning national health insurance. I suggest you read it and take an empirical approach to what will be the best option for you given your condition. Our system isn't perfect, far from it in fact... but the idea that government is going to fix your problems is a bit overconfident. Here is the link.
9 :
The most common reason that people give for opposing a single-payer plan is that it would lead to rationing of health care because of the expense. Personally, I find this odd, considering the fact that our health care "system" is already the most expensive in the world and is being rationed by insurance companies. Another argument is that the government is too dysfunctional to manage a system of this size. They see the poor quality of the VA system and believe that is what it would look like. But, the people are the government. We should be able to handle this. I refuse to believe that other countries are more capable that we are. And then there are those who simply say they don't want to pay for someone else's health care. They don't seem to realize that we're already paying every-time someone is forced to declare bankruptcy due to an illness that insurance refused to cover.
10 :
The cost of course. Canada spends over $4,000 per person on their single payer system. Great Britain spends over $3,300 per person. So a little over a trillion dollars a year, to do that in the US. Not counting the start up cost, since the US doesn't actually have its own medical facilities and would have to either buy or lease the medical clinics and hospitals. When US tax revenue from corporate and individual income tax's is only 1.5 trillion. Just how will they come up with the trillion dollars to fund national health care ? We would need 66% more tax revenue, than we currently receive.
11 :
I agree with you 100%, Even though I'm 15 I can see what a horrible Health Care system this country has and how the corrupt insurance companies don't cover anything, they bail when you get that 100k Surgery. Money isn't a problem either, how did we get that extra 2 trillion $$ for the war? If we can spend that much on the war then we can defiantly afford health care. America needs to wake up, why are we always the last ones to incorperate action, Europe is much smarter than us, they have been around longer than us, they abolished slavery first while we thought it was absurd, now look at us, we make more money than any other nation on Earth yet we can't get free health care, this is such BS. Also these idiots who oppose it, have no evidence to back themselves up, they just hate it, because it has the word socialist in it. This is why Other countries in the world think of us as "stupid americans".
12 :
Because I see what the government does with the health care they handle now and it's not good. I watched my mom's boyfriend get his tooth pulled by a sadistic nurse with no pain relief in a va hospital. I watch my best friend become a cripple because the government can't take care of the men and women that serve this country. He will be in a wheelchair in another 2-3 years because the government denied him treatment until it was too late. That and I pay for my insurance and I work at a crappy job to pay for it but it at least takes care of my families insurance needs and honestly I don't want to pay for someone else's insurance knowing that nobody will help me. Would I like more affordable health insurance? Yes. Will Obama provide it? No. The only way it will get better is if we regulate the insurance companies and stop them from constantly raising their rates. rachelesse I understand where you're coming from. You have a health issue that is causing issues with work and life and it is hard to pay for your medical bills. My mom worked for a company for 10 years who did nothing but treat her like cheap slave labor and she did it to put food on the table. My sister and I finally talked her into quitting her job because we found out the job was killing her. She has perminant back damage and she is having so much trouble finding a job. We're talking to a lawyer about disability from her previous employer and to see about full disability for her but the government will not help. I do believe that we should help those that need the help and regulating the insurance companies is one way to start. They are blood sucking leeches that will stop at nothing to suck us dry. What I oppose is the lazy majority out there not willing to work or if they are willing to work they are not willing to pay the extra money for health insurance so they expect the government to take care of them. I don't trust the government healthcare system because they do not have our best interest at heart. My son was on state medicare for a year before I found the job I have right now. The doctors were never willing to treat him for his ear infections they would say nothing was wrong only to find out he had a serious ear infection. Then they wanted to put tubes in his ears. His new doctor that I took him to after I got insurance diagnosed that drainage from his allergies was causing the ear infections, she put him on some allergy medication and he hasn't had an ear infection in over 2 years.
13 :
The problem is most Americans are cement headed and just it comes to plain stupidity because they have never had this system. Americans believe that they will be paying for someone else's medical bills and it's going to cost them more money blah blah blah. It's 100% complete BS, you'd know that living overseas. Americans don't realise , all the money they give yearly on medical insurance, 'can' if they choose, to stay in there wallets and give them an extra $30 plus to whatever they pay a week they pay a week out of there weekly income. Rather than giving it away to an insurance company who can knock back treatment or add a extra expense they don't cover or loose all the money they paid out on insurance if they loose or change jobs etc. In reality how many times in a year does the average person go see a doctor or requires medical treatment a year. Most people don't or they may see a doctor maybe once or twice a year, which they all pay annually thousands of dollars a year for a fifteen minute consultation for a script of antibiotics. I left the US and live overseas, almost all countries in the world have Universal Health Care systems, including the one I live in. Australia it costs nothing to see a doctor and you pay only four dollars and sixty cents for a script. During this winter I developed double Pneumonia, I seen a doctor had a chest x ray and blood test , all it cost me was four dollars sixty cents for the course of anti biotic nothing else. Also I had full lazer treatment to remove a benign mole and follow up treatment to see if spread it cost me nothing. In the US that treatment would have cost me thousands of dollars in expenses as it is not covered by insurance. The Universal medical health care umbrella covers everyone and you can still have your own private health insurance if you choose too.Here in Australia if you have ever have to pay out anything on medical expenses, you get 85% of your money back through medicare or you can bulk bill treatment and get it for free. We don't pay extra taxes for this, or have to wait for medical treatment or have added expenses or ever knocked back by having a pre existing illness. If you become ill or injured you don't have the stress or worry on top of getting money together for any treatment. Same if you loose your job and loose your medical insurance, you still get full medical treatment. There are no such thing's as a government doctor or only getting the treatment an insurance company allows, you always get full first class medical treatment for the whole family and yourself. You can see your family doctor, specialist, psychiatrist of your choice for free. Free hospital stays, or if you have a baby etc etc need blood or X ray test MRI scans, ultra sounds, follow up treatment, asthma tests or oxygen plasters, injections, operations , mammograms, bone scans, cancer treatment, hip replacement, physo or dental, optical etc ,etc, etc all 100% free. You even get a free pair of presciption glasses or dentures every year if you need them. When you do your annual taxation claim you are personally asked if you required any medical treatment during the taxation period, if no you don't pay any taxes, if you did more than seeing a GP, about twenty dollars is charge on low and up to sixty dollars plus per year for high wage earners who can afford insurance. For a lousy $ 20 to $60 dollars a year taken from your tax return is nothing to have you and your whole family covered for a year is nothing when most Americans have to mortgage there house for the same treatment. If your not working or on disability you don't pay a cent. You pay more to a tax advisor to do your yearly taxes than you pay for yearly health care for you and your whole family. The other silly question is the money must come from some where, well your weekly taxes, the government reeps also state taxes on each item you purchase goes towards it. The government just paid out seven hundred billion dollars of US tax dollar plus to wall street which should of be used on the public education and health system not bailing out richie rich. This reserve could have financed these systems where the US public would get benefits and money worth by the taxes they pay yearly. Which makes this system fair for all Americans not just the privileged or only the destitute but for every American.
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