Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I can't decide on a major. It is between nursing, culinary arts, or education

I can't decide on a major. It is between nursing, culinary arts, or education?
If I do culinary arts or education I would really like to work in France, maybe Paris, either cooking or maybe teaching French or English. Any thoughts on how either those might work?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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If you earn an R.N. and a B.S. you will make the most money and have the best selection of jobs. Unless you are a citizen of or have the right to work in France as a citizen of another EU nation, you may as well forget about living there unless you marry a French citizen, so long as doing so gives you the right to work there. You would have to check on that. You will not easily find a job as a top chef in France. They have enough native ones. It will be much easier to find a nursing job than a teaching job in France.

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