Friday, November 14, 2008

Please help! Wanting to move to France

Please help! Wanting to move to France?
I am a 24 year old RN from the US who wants to move to France. I have 2 years nursing experience, I am a US RESIDENT (not citizen), and I have an EU citizenship (my parents are from Spain.). I speak English and Spanish fluently, and I speak French as well (just have some trouble with some grammar sometimes...haha, but I'm taking classes now so I would fix that before I move.) Do you think I am a good candidate to move to France? I'm dying to go...I've been there quite a couple times, and I studied abroad there during college. I have a couple of friends there who are natives as well. How hard do you think it would be for me to get a job? I appreciate all of your help and please, give advice if you have any! Thanks again :)
Other - France - 1 Answers
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As a EU citizen you have the right to settle and work in France without needing a visa. What you need is to find a job, and right now 10% of our active population is trying to do the same. You also have to choose a place, France might look small to someone from a continent state but it is still 1000 kms wide and tall, the biggest European country, with wildly different climates and settings. Cold sea, warm sea, mountains, plains, hills, volcanoes... you have it all here. What you will also need is to check if your nursing degree is accepted in France. It might be that they ask you to retake it, in French. Why don't you contact the American hospital in Paris, they might be able to help you.

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