Sunday, September 7, 2008

Could a person get a job as a Nurses aide in England,Italy or France

Could a person get a job as a Nurses aide in England,Italy or France?
I work as a nurses aide in the US,but I was thinking of working in Europe for a few years ,just to do something new. Do they even have the need for aides there? Do they hire them to help the Nurses? Or do the Nurses there do such duties,like they use to years ago in the US? Thanks for answering any Nurses or people who have lived in Europe(one of the Countries I have mentioned).
Other - Europe - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I live in the UK and I don't think we have such thing's as a 'Nurses Aide'. However, I do think we have something that could be similar, but I can't remember the name. I'm not sure if they have them in France and/or Italy. You should be able to find a job in the NHS in the UK as on providing you have suitable qualifications. ~ James
2 :
Well i'm not sure how common Nurses aids are in Europe but i think I should add in a few things...becoming a citizen in Europe or being able to work in Europe is a very hard thing to do for an American. Why would they hire a nurses aid from America when someone could do that already living in that country? Now Im not telling you to give up but picking up and moving to Europe is a very hard task. I would try England because i've heard its a littler easier to move to than other countries in Europe.

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