Monday, December 1, 2008

I am currently a british student nurse in london, after i graduate i will be moving to france

I am currently a british student nurse in london, after i graduate i will be moving to france?
i want to know: 1) is it difficult to for a british to move to france? (i know a little french but my husband to be is quite fluent) 2) how easy is it for a newly qualified nurse to find a job in france? 3)i also want to know about how much it costs to buy a house or apartment in france (preferably paris as my husband to be is already there working ) 4) and also education is it similar to the system they have in the UK, or is it different? from when they first start to university would be great! (My husband to be moved to france 4 months and is working and living a freind's apartment) thank you to whoever answers my questions!
Paris - 1 Answers
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Many Brits actually live in France but if you are a nurse you should be welcome to as we need nurses the south of France some hospital are recruting nurses from Spain and provide them with accomodation + french courses.... But in any case if you moove here you will need to learn the languages ...if not you wont be able to live will be the same for a French speaker living in the UK will be quite difficult ... Welcome to our lovely country.

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