Saturday, June 14, 2008

American Nurse working looking to work in France

American Nurse working looking to work in France?
I am an American pre-nursing student working on a dual major in social working and for some time I have been wanting to experience another culture not through the eyes of a tourist but as a citizen. The country that tops my list is France particularly the city of Marseille. My biggest concern is licensing, the demand for labor, cost of living and wages. I'm somewhat fluent in French, although my pronunciation can use some work.
Health Care - 2 Answers
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1 :
I don't know about France specifically but nurses seem to be in demand everywhere. You might consider applying for work in the UK - definite demand there. The UK will probably allow you to work there as a highly skilled professional. There are programs for recruiting teachers, nurses, etc. Once you are there it should be easier to get yourself to can do the research MUCH easier.
2 :
Obviously the big issue is being fluent. Here is one source DA

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