Tuesday, July 1, 2008

im a R N nurse in the usa can my R n degree work in france do they accept my american R n degree

im a R N nurse in the usa can my R n degree work in france do they accept my american R n degree?
im a R N nurse and i want to move to FRANCE does my degree work in france ? do they accept american diploma to work as nurse in france?
Immigration - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They may accept your diploma, although a four year degree is stronger, but you may have trouble getting a work visa. Check with the French Consulate in Washington. good luck
2 :
Well last time i checked, being in the 10th grade does not qualify you as a R.N. and it is against the law to pose as one when your not!!!!!
3 :
One week ago you said you were 16 years old. Did you start college at age 10? An American BSN degree may be accepted if you can pass their license examination and speak fluent French.

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