Wednesday, July 1, 2009

nurse / kinesitherapist What to choose

nurse / kinesitherapist What to choose?
I have a university training that is unfortunately "not in demand" in France where my husband was transferred for 5 years. I was offered training as a kinesitherapist (3 years) and that would be "in demand" and allow me to have a job. On the other hand I still have the option of finishing nursing, which however is not recognized in France and would therefore require also 3 years of training. I did 2 years of nursing training a few years ago but I gave it up after I got married. So now the question is what do I choose? nursing or kinesitherapy? Is kinesitherapy going to be "in demand" in northern US, where we will end up when my husband's transfer is over?
Health Care - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Concentrate in Nursing, there are more places in the world that demands this career..
2 :
I would go with kinesiology. In the US, you could enter the physical therapy field (very lucrative).

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