Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Will I get into Carnegie Mellon for Engineering

Will I get into Carnegie Mellon for Engineering?
I am a junior in high school and I was just wondering about my chances at this school. Here are my stats: High school WGPA: 3.4 ( Its extremely bad and Im worried that this will kill my chances) SAT I : 2350 (800 W 800 M 750 CR) SAT II : Math II - 800 Physics - 750 ACT: 34 Captain of the Debate team at his school (Ranked in the top ten debaters in the State) I'v been playing the violin for 8 years. I performed in Belgium and France. Also performed in the Lincoln Center Volunteers at Nursing Home: 150 hours + Volunteers at Hospital: 100 hours + I am expecting to have great recommendations from my teachers and a recommendation from a congressman. I also am currently involved in a research project with an engineering professor at Auburn University. (I will probably get a recommendation from him as well) Ethnicity : Indian Male I want to apply for Mechanical engineering
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Aside from your GPA, you should be good for Carnegie...If the reason to your GPA being low is due to a personal reason like family death or depression, explain that in your essay so the admission officers will understand, but hope for the best. Its not impossible to get in with your GPA, but it will be tough. Give it a try

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