Sunday, November 1, 2009

Should I even apply to these AMAZING schools with my stats

Should I even apply to these AMAZING schools with my stats?
Schools: UPenn CAS (Early Decision option), Columbia, Cornell (Early Decision option), Carnegie Mellon, NYU Stern (Early Decision option) I am a junior in high school and I was just wondering about my chances at all of these schools. Here are his stats: High school WGPA: 3.4 ( Its extremely bad and Im worried that this will kill my chances) SAT I : 2350 (800 W 800 M 750 CR) SAT II : Math II - 800 Physics - 750 ACT: 34 Captain of the Debate team at his school (Ranked in the top ten debaters in the State) I'v been playing the violin for 8 years. I performed in Belgium and France. Also performed in the Lincoln Center Volunteers at Nursing Home: 150 hours + Volunteers at Hospital: 100 hours + Member of Science and Math national honors society I am expecting to have great recommendations from my teachers and a recommendation from a congressman. And my uncle went to UPenn if that counts for anything. Ethnicity : Indian Male IF U DONT THINK ILL GET INTO ANY OF THESE SCHOOLS THEN ATLEAST TELL ME WHICH ONE OF MY ED OPTIONS SEEMS THE MOST PRACTICLE. Thanks!!!
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I dont know but why isn't Harvard listed as an "amazing school"? Dont you have a guidance counselor you can ask about this? Most of the people on here aren't qualified to give you a right answer.
2 :
Your low GPA kills your chances for elite schools, and being Asian is equivalent to losing ~75 points on your SAT. You should aim for schools at the next level down from the elites. Consider schools such as: Colgate U U of Rochester Rose-Hulman Institute Bucknell U Georgia Tech Lehigh
3 :
Look up your intended school at They put a map of unweighted GPA versus SAT scores on one of the pages. Look your scores up and you can estimate your chances. Five Biggest Myths About College Admissions:,8599,2069625,00.html?hpt=Sbin

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