Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Should I get a second loan to study abroad in Paris

Should I get a second loan to study abroad in Paris?
I've always wanted to go to France and my French professor told me about a summer in Paris she's organizing. I would LOVE to go but I don't have any money. The full price for three weeks is $2,800 and it includes both flight tickets, the place where we're staying, breakfast, lunch and dinner, the metro card, and tickets for museums. Tution is separate but it'd only be one class (Intermediate French) and I might get Financial Aid for that if I apply early. To go I would have to borrow a second loan of $3,500 (hopefully less if I qualify for a scholarship she mentioned.) My first loan was for $2,500. Soo, do you think it's worth? Extra info: My major is Nursing. I'm considering minoring in French and I'll have to start paying those loans six months after I graduate.
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I would say go for it! Your first loan isn't for that much and the job prospects for nursing are amazing! Considering that you might minor in French, this could take you a long way towards actually mastering the language. The one thing I would do is apply for scholarships. Try to make the loan for as little as possible by working a few extra hours at your job or selling items on Ebay. However, the deal you have is too good to pass up! $2800 for both plane tickets, accomodation, meals, and some excursions is great! You'll never get a chance like this again for that kind of price! Have Fun!!!!!
2 :
u can but try to not get it.try to stand on ur on foot and collect money.some banks will not give u the second loan unless u pay the first
3 :
i wouldn't but if that is what you want to do then do it

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