Monday, June 1, 2009

Should I study in Barcelona or Sydney

Should I study in Barcelona or Sydney?
I'm a US nursing student, finished two years (going for a bachelors), and I really want to study abroad, and definitely live/work abroad too. So I've narrowed it all down to either Barcelona or Sydney, two places on different ends of the earth, I know. I've caught up on some Spanish rather quickly, and I dont think learning it would be a problem at all. So for a 22 year old guy who likes sports, beaches, warm weather, museums, music, gamblng, girls (of course), travelling, and some occassional clubbing, which place do you think would be a better choice: Barcelona or Sydney? It's a tough decision for me. I keep hearing good things about both, plus Barcelona's in Europe right next to France and Italy while Sydney's got New Zealand and Fiji. Any help's really appreciated.
Studying Abroad - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i'd have to say sydney! australia is an awsome country everyone is really friendly and there is always something to do it is a gorgeous country hope you find happiness there!
2 :
I would go for Sydney myself. You already know English fluently, so there wouldn't even be a langauage barrier (except possibly understanding the accents =D ). Though Barcelona sounds very exciting, I think that you would tire of it quickly; it may have the rest of Europe surronding it, but I personally think that Europe is more of a vacation spot, somewhere to visit periodically but not live there for long periods of time. I think you would have an easier time adapting to Sydney, and go on many adventures in the Outback.
3 :
are you nuts? sydney!!! beautiful tan girls, nice beaches....the english language! i think australia would be a different culture than the US, but also have enough similarities that would make you feel comfortable. europeans, especially in spain and france, are fairly anti-american. australian women are better looking too and have less crime and taxes than in europe.
4 :
5 :
I LOVE Barcelona. Most beautiful city I've ever visited. But: in a week, I'm going for a semester abroad in Sydney, so I'm not decided.... However, at this point of time, I can really recommend Barcelona. It is so lovely.
6 :
I would choose Barcelona just because you would become proficient in Spanish by living there. This will be invaluable to you back here in the USA when you return.

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