Sunday, June 28, 2009

is it true that majority of the french people couldnt understand and speak english

is it true that majority of the french people couldnt understand and speak english?
coz im student nurse and few of my plans after my licensure exam is to work and live there in paris or anywhere in please could anyone help me....
Languages - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
here's a thought... wanna live in France? How about learning their language?
2 :
Not true. A lot of french understand and speak english because they start studying english as a second language in jr high school. I suggest you do learn some basic french ..... French people do not like foreign who don't make the effort to speak a minimum of french in their country.
3 :
I could be wrong, but I suspect that English speakers are less likely to speak French than the French are to speak English.
4 :
Yep. And the majority of American/UK people couldn't understand French, too. And someone that speaks English can just ignore you and pretend not to speak - "if you are going to France, at least learn the French idiom", they (and I) say. To study foreign languages in the school don't make anybody speak that language. For example, I didn't learn English in the school, but studying by myself (I'm Brazilian).
5 :
They teach English in public schools so at least those that attend know the basics. However if your planning on living in France I suggest you start studying the language now. If you go, you're going to be in a different culture environment with a different language other then English. If you're uncomfortable with that just stay home.

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