Saturday, November 7, 2009

Does he have a chance at UPenn ED

Does he have a chance at UPenn ED?
My friend is a junior in high school and he is was just wondering if he has any shot at getting into his dream school. Here are his stats: High school WGPA: 3.4 ( Its extremely bad and he is worried that this will kill his chances) SAT I : 2300 + SAT II : Math II - 700 + Physics - 700+ Captain of the Debate team at his school (Ranked in the top ten debaters in the State) Has been playing the violin for 8 years. Performed in Belgium and France. Also performed in the Lincoln Center Volunteers at Nursing Home: 150 hours + Volunteers at Hospital: 100 hours + Did a research project with an engineering professor at Auburn University (got his recommendation) He is expecting to have great recommendations from his teachers and a recommendation from a congressman. And his uncle went to UPenn if that counts for anything. He wants to apply to CAS. Because he thinks he'll have no chance if he applies for engineering. Ethnicity : Indian Male Please give some feedback on what u think his chances are. And give him some advice. Thanks Do you think he'll have a good chance if he did Cornell Early decision?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No way to say for sure, but I say apply anyway. It won't hurt you and who knows, you may be able to get in. Like you said, the WGPA will most likely kill his chances. It's a shame, actually, since the rest of his resume is quite impressive. If you can pull off a killer essay, and get those great recommendations you listed, it just might be possible. BUT, don't be surprised if he gets rejected. For someone as bright as your "friend", a low GPA suggests that he's either lazy or is really not good at English, history, etc. (which I doubt). If only you can turn back time, right?
2 :
I'd say that he actually has a chance. Besides the GPA he has an amazing resume. But does he have a good reason for the low GPA? like did he take all extremely hard classes? If so, and with all those activites the GPA won't matter as much. He would need to write a really good essay. He should visit many times and have an interview. Also a low GPA signifies a true genius and they may see that. True geniuses don't pay attention in class but do really well on things such as SATs. So I'd say that he still has a chance and should apply.

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