Thursday, January 14, 2010

Is this a good Essay on Women's Role in WW2

Is this a good Essay on Women's Role in WW2?
Women’s Role In World War Two Women had many roles in world war two such as nurses, soldiers, wives, spies ,tank drivers, engineers, plumbers, and dug up potatoes. Women also had to do their husbands job while they were fighting in the war. Women piloted warplanes to fight the Germans. The war changed the jobs and lives of women. Before the war women were expected to be housewives or do women’s jobs like nursing, being servants or a shop assistants. Women were called for work March 1941. Women were also called to help the Women’s Land Army. The Women’s Land Army was reformed in July 1939. They worked in isolated communities or lived on farms as farm workers. Many of the women who lived on farms ate pheasants, hares, partridges, and rabbits. In 1943, there was a shortage of women in factories, so the government stopped women from joining the armed forces. They gave the women a choice of either working on the land or in factories. Another service for women was the Women’s Voluntary Service. The (WVS) provided fire fighters with tea and refreshments. Basically the (WVS) did whatever was needed. They collected scrap metal, took care of people who lost their homes from the Germans bombing. When they weren’t on call they knitted socks for the men in service. Some even adopted a sailor to provide him with warm clothing. Women were also used as secret agents. They were members of the Special Operations Executive and were parachuted into occupied France or landed in special Lynsander planes. Their work was extremely dangerous, just one mistake and they could be captured, tortured, or even killed. They had to find out all that they could to support the Allies. Violette Szabo and Odette Churchill were the most famous SOE members. They were awarded with the George Cross which is the highest award a civilian can get. Both of them were captured and tortured . Violette Szabo was murdered by the Gestapo and Odette Churchill survived the war. Young mothers with children evacuated the cities. There were 3.5 million children evacuated. Most of the people that went with the children were women. Women were urged to carry groceries instead of using a car to save tire rubber for the war, to sew new clothes for their families, and raise money for the war bond.
History - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
yer is it long enough tho?
2 :
Hey!! I like what you have written , there are a lot of informations in there , It looks fine as essay -a bit shorter- Go ahead
3 :
You have nice topics, but the work doesn't pop or bedazzle me in any way. Find a way to make it stand out grab the readers attention, because this is quite boring for my taste. Compare and contrast what their lives used to be like. You need to be writing the essay for someone who is completely illiterate on the subject but don't baby it down, use outstanding language from a thesaurus to really grab someone's attention and show your intelligence. Take the time and look things up for words make an essay, it is how you use that turn them into a best seller.

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